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Roman Reigns was one of the busiest wrestlers in the WWE. With constant matches, events and appearances, his schedule was always full. His wife, y/n, understood this when they got married but recently, she had started to feel like they were drifting apart. Y/n missed her husband and she knew that he missed her too. The spark in their marriage seemed to be fading away.

One day, as y/n was scrolling through her phone, Roman came home with a sad expression on his face. She knew that he had just returned from another tiring trip and she could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

'Hey baby,' y/n said, getting up from the couch to greet her husband with a hug. 'You look tired, let me massage your shoulders.'

Roman sighed and let out a small smile as y/n began to massage his shoulders. 'I'm sorry, I know I promised to take some time off but I couldn't turn down these opportunities.'

'It's okay Roman, I understand. But I miss you,' y/n said, resting her head on his shoulder.

'I miss you too, y/n,' Roman said, kissing her forehead. 'I promise to make it up to you, I'll take some time off and we'll spend quality time together.'

And Roman kept his promise. He took a break from his busy schedule and spent every waking moment with y/n. They went out to dinner, hit the gym together, took motorcycle rides and even went on a romantic vacation. This time was exactly what they needed to repair their marriage.

As they sat on the beach, watching the sunset, y/n turned to Roman and said, 'Thank you for everything, Roman. I needed this time with you.'

'I needed it too, y/n. I never want to lose the spark in our marriage again. We'll always make time for each other, no matter how busy we get,'  Roman said,placing a kiss on
y/n's forehead.

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