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On the first day of their break, y/n wakes up to find roman already up and making breakfast in the kitchen. She smiles at the sight and walks over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.

'Morning, baby' she says, placing a kiss on his shoulder.

'Morning, beautiful,' Roman replies, turning around to kiss her lips. 'I already made breakfast, why don't you go get dressed and we can eat?'

Y/n nods and heads to the bedroom to get dressed. As she walks back to the kitchen, she sees that Roman has set up a mini movie marathon for them on the couch. He even made a fort with blankets and pillows.

'This is so cute, Roman,' y/n says, sitting down next to him.

'I wanted to make our first day off special,' Roman replies, handing her a plate of pancakes.

They spend the whole day curled up in the fort, watching movies and talking about their favorite memories together. As the night falls, they decide to take a break from the movies and do some baking together.

Y/n and Roman put on their aprons and start making chocolate chip cookies, laughing and joking around as they mix and measure ingredients. Y/n takes a handful of flour and playfully tosses it at Roman, causing a flour fight to break out in the kitchen.

After cleaning up the mess, they sit down to enjoy their freshly baked cookies with a glass of milk. As they munch on their treats, they start talking about their future together.

'I can't wait to marry you, y/n,' Roman says, taking her hand in his.

'I can't wait either,' y/n replies, smiling at him. 'I know we have a lot of things we want to accomplish together, but as long as we have each other, I know we can do anything.'

Roman leans in to kiss her, feeling grateful and blessed to have such an amazing partner by his side. They spend the rest of the night talking about their future plans and making more memories together.

Their two weeks off fly by, but they cherish every moment spent together.

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