solo sikoa

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I was roaming around backstage after my match with Charlotte flair. I was heading for the locker room when I saw a longtime friend from nxt days leaned up against a wall deep in thought.

"Solo? Is everything alright?" I said with concern in my voice, usually he's never like this. " Oh hey y/n, yeah everythings good" he said softly. I knew for a fact something was wrong and being the good person I am, I went to go stand beside him and told him "solo you can talk to me about anything". He looked over at me like he was about to say something and then tears were brought to his eyes. Solo is rarely like this the only time I've ever seen him even close to crying was when he broke his arm otherwise Solo always seems fine.

I wrapped my arms around Solo and we stayed like that for a bit. He spoke up and asked me "can you be a 100% honest with me y/n?". "Of course you can Solo" I replied honestly. "Ever since my brother's left the bloodline Romans been taking everything out on me and he keeps threatening that if I don't level up he's gonna get triple h to suspend me" he spoke with sadness and anxiety in his voice.

Anger immediately took over me knowing how much of an asshole roman can be. "Ill talk to roman if you wa-" he cut me off my saying "no no please don't, forget I said anything" he attempted walking away but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"solo I wont if you don't want me to I promise". He gave a small smile before continuing. "At this point I don't know if I should just leave before he has the power to stop me from doing what I love" he spoke.

I stared at his face and thought deeply. "Solo if you want my honest opinion, leave before it's too late. Look how roman treated your brothers this just shows he's gonna do the same with you, and I always want what's best for you solo so just please trust me and get out of this before it's too late and you lose doing what you love most" I spoke with tears welling up in my eyes. Once I tear slipped solo quickly wiped it away and kissed my temple softly.

"Your right, and that's exactly what ima do". He said with much confidence in his voice.

-The following friday-

I was sitting in the locker room when I looked up at the tv to see solo Samoan spiking roman. He then picked up the mic and yelled "solo has gone solo". I had missed so much. I ran to the gorilla and waited for solo to come backstage. The second he came backstage he had a major look of relief upon his face when he saw me. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly. We started walking to his locker room and I was congratulating him and telling him it was the right decision which calmed the look of worry on his face.

We made it into his locker room and we sat down. "Thank you y/n I wouldn't have had the courage to do that without your help" he thanked me. "Don't thank me that was all you" I said while giggling.

I turned back over in his direction and he was staring at me intensely. "Solo?" I said trying to snap him out of his trance. He then pulled me in for a tender kiss.

It took me by surprise but I softened into it. When we pulled back blush took over my whole face while he gave a signature smirk. "Ok well ima hop in for a shower" he said getting up and getting a pair of clean clothes. I followed behind and said "lemme join u" with a assured tone of voice. "I wouldn't mind that at all babygirl".

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