Your not going anywhere Pt.2

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Reader's POV:

I wake up in a frantic sweat, the reoccurring thoughts in my brain about what had happened to my friend. I looked around the room to see I was in my bedroom. The bed room I share with Joe. Shit.

I could hear faint talking outside the door which only caused my heart beat to spike up.

Now that Joe knows I tried to escape him, god knows what he would do to me.

"Put them all around the house, so then i'll be able to keep an eye on her 24/7" a voice ordered. A familiar voice. It was Joe.

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. The door creaks open and I hear footsteps trailing towards the bed, where i'm laying.

I feel a familiar warm hand stroke my cheek. "Y/n?" Joe asks while shaking my arm.

I was trying to decipher his tone. He didn't sound angry. Or upset. But he didn't sound happy either. He sounded kinda nonchalant, like he didn't care.

"Y/n?! Wake up now!" he ordered loudly while starting to shake my whole body. I feel the anger radiating off of him.

I pretend to start acting like I had just woken up. I rubbed my eyes, and looked around as if I didn't know where I was.

"Joe? What happened?" I asked questioningly. He chuckled lowly. I felt myself starting to freak out. He was definitely angry.

He looked at me one more time before sitting down next to me on our bed. "Baby, I can't believe you tried to leave me. After everything I do for you. How much I care for you. And you try to leave me?" Joe asks me in a disappointed tone.

"No Joe, I didn't try to leave you, I was taking a little vacation for some space! Everyone needs spa-" I got cut off by him grabbing my neck and pushing me into my pillow with force, silencing me.

"No! No! Don't fucking lie to me! You tried to leave me and now look, it costed your friends life! Your so stupid for thinking you can leave me!" Joe yelled at me.

Tears clouded my eyes. I had forgot about what happened to y/f/n. I can't believe he's right too. If it weren't for me she would be alive.

I felt all my tears escape my eyes and roll onto my cheeks. I looked at the floor rethinking all the fun me and y/f/n have had throughout our days together.

I look back up at Joe and when he sees my tears I see his eyes soften. He lets his grip off my neck.

Something about Joe was he always had a soft spot for my tears. He hated when I cried, especially if it was because of him.

"Baby..i'm sorry..that came our harsher then intended" Joe softly apologized. He pushed my hair behind my ear.

"I just don't know what it's gonna take for you to understand you belong to me and me only. You can't just leave me. Ever" Joe spoke. A sinister smile being brought across his face.

Joe knew, and he knew damn well I was going nowhere. He had me wrapped around his finger now. Even more so cause he knows how afraid I am of making the same mistake I made with y/f/n costing her life.

Thank goodness my parents are away for vacation, I wouldn't know what to do if they were in y/f/n's position.

It's not like Joe will let me see them alone anytime soon either way.

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