Just friends - Solo

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y/n pov:

Me and Solo are some of the closest people you'll ever meet. We have that typa friendship where you rarely see one of us without the other. Me and Solo for the past few years have really made an unbreakable bond between the both of us.

Today was a Friday night which In other words meant smackdown. Since I'm part of the bloodline me and solo travel together. We got there just on time to get ready. After getting ready and getting changed we headed to go see the twins.

"Hey guys!" Jimmy hollered from afar. Me and Solo walked up to the twins. We all made some small talk until my name was called to go to the gorilla. The guys all sensed I was kinda nervous. "Dont worry bout it y/n" Jimmy said to me. "Yeah your gonna kick ass" Jey added. "Your gonna do amazing y/n, I'm gonna be watching the whole time" Solo said reassuringly. I thanked the guys and made my way to the gorilla.

Solos pov:
After y/n walked away the twins immediately fell into a fit of laughter. For a second I thought they were laughing at y/n so I gotta kinda defensive. "What are you guys laughing at" i snapped at them. "You uce" Jimmy said. Jey started laughing some more. "Why you laughin at me bro" I asked confused.

"Your gonna do amazing y/n, I'm gonna be watching the whole time" Jey mocked me with a high pitched voice. I gave him a weird look. "You down bad uce" Jimmy told me. "The fuck you mean" I said defensively. What the hell where they on about. y/n and me were just friends. Best friends. Why would I be down bad.

"Uce everyone can see it, y'all look at each other like you in love or sum" Jimmy said. Then all of a sudden there was an announcement for Jimmy and Jey to go to Triple Hs office. They walked away leaving me in a deep thought. I wondered if this whole time I really have had feelings for Y/n and I never admitted it to myself.

I walked into the locker room and sat on the sofa Infront of the tv. Y/ns match was going on right now. Grayson Waller and Austin theory were sitting beside me and talking about y/n disrespectfully. I got angry and told them off. "Alright mate calm down, we didn't mean no harm" Grayson replied back. "Yeah we didn't mean to offend you or or your girlfriend" Austin added. Then they walked away. What the hell was going on? Why did everyone think me and y/n were something more then friends.

Y/n ended up winning her match and came backstage to see me. "Solo! I won! How do you think I did?" She squealed. I was so deep I thought about her I didn't reply. "Soloooo hello? What are you thinking about?" She asked while getting on her tippy toes to hit the top of my head. As I snapped out of my trance I couldn't help myself and threw a important question her way. "Y/n I want you to be honest with me, are we just friends? Do you think we could ever be something more?" I waited for a reply but I didn't get one.

Y/n pov:
What In the actual world. Why did solo just ask me that. Oh no. Did Trin tell him about my feelings for him. Or did Trin tell Jimmy and did Jimmy tell him. My heart and mind were racing. I looked up at him and saw him staring at me intently. "Uh why?" I asked dodging the question. "Uhhh I don't really know. Everyone been thinking we something more then friends. And like uh I guess I realized we uh maybe you know could be" solo replied. He almost sounded nervous. A random wash of courage overcame me. "What if I told you I've had feelings for you for a while" I let him know. "You have?" Solo asked shocked. I bet he didn't see that one coming. I nodded my head shyly. "Well guess what y/n" solo said softly. I looked up at him when I didn't hear him talk. He grabbed my waist and pulled my mouth towards his for a soft gentle kiss. My stomach was flipping around. The kiss lasted for about 30 seconds. It felt like it was a long awaited kiss. When we pulled back I heard solos voice. "So y/n now I gotta pop a question now, you wanna be my girl?" Solo asked. "Duhhh" i said a little too excitedly. He chuckled at my answer and reaction and pulled me into another deep kiss.

A few seconds later we then heard a fit of laughter coming not to far from us. We pulled away to see Jimmy and Jey laughing hysterically. "I knew it uce, I knew it" Jey was telling Jimmy. Me and solo both shook our heads and started laughing along with them. This was a beginning to something really good, i just knew it.

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