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I look at the clock reading 2:21 am. I look to my other side to see my husband of 4 years in a deep sleep. Something in me couldn't let me fall asleep. I guess you could blame that on that XL coffee I had in the morning.

I turned to my other side attempting to shut my eyes but my brain wouldn't let me fall asleep. I hated waking jimmy up whenever I couldn't sleep but he's the only thing that could help.

"baby?" I said pushing his side gently. nothing. "jimmyyy"  i tried once more. He started shuffling and letting out small groans. "what's wrong ma?" he spoke sounding more awake. "I cant sleep" I said in a quiet voice. "You wanna go for a drive baby?".

I felt horrible that I had woken jimmy up from his sleep but I couldn't give up the offer for a drive. "yes please". I spoke softly. He caressed the side of my face as he got out of bed to put his clothes on.

We got in the car and I connected my phone so I could play music. "So baby tell me why u cant sleep" jimmy said with a tone of concern. "I don't even know I mean I kept turning sides and cuddling up to you but nothing could work". I replied.

"Yeah I get it, we all have those days." Jimmy said understanding. "mhm" I hummed.  Jimmy then let out a massive yawn and so much guilt took over me from ruining his sleep. " I'm so sorry for waking u up Jim, u wanna head back home? " I said with guilt in my voice.

"Oh y/n never apologize for waking me up or any of that shit, you know I'm always here for you whenever you need it".

I leaned over and kissed his cheek and mumbling " I love you so much jimmy I don't even know what I would do without you." I admitted. "I love you more y/n your my whole world" he spoke and a slow blush crept upon my cheeks.

The rest of the ride was spent laughing and singing along to my playlist. When I get home I can assure you I fell into a very deep sleep.

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