solo - maybe more then friends?

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Me and Solo have basically known eachother since birth. He's my best friend. My soulmate.

I wouldn't trade him for anything, he's been there for me at my lowest of lows and my highest of highs, and has always supported me no matter the circumstances.

Our whole lives we've always been told we would make a perfect couple, and that we are the perfect match.

More recently though it's been being said a lot more often, every conversation I'm involved with ends up with me being told me and Solo need to get together.

It's been keeping me up at night. I've always been attracted to Solo. To be honest he's everything I want in a man.

He's kind, understanding, funny, relatable, I could go and on, since I've known him my whole life. And not to mention he's extremely hot. His towering and muscular frame, his big brown eyes, and his pink plump lips. He has woman all around him wanting to be with him.

He is single though. Just like me. However, we've both had our fair shares of partners over the years, but they just weren't our people.

Every single girlfriend he's had I've never really liked, I feel like they just wanted him to be able to say "I'm dating solo sikoa".

To make it fair he's never liked any of my boyfriends either. He claimed that they just gave him a weird vibe. Which seemed to be right because all those relationships ended under bad circumstances.

I started questioning if I would actually ever date Solo. Which made me come to the conclusion I would. If he asked me out I would say yes, no hesitation.

Me and Solo see eachother pretty much everyday, every single Saturday we get together for lunch at a cute cafe we find, and take turns picking out.

I woke up that Saturday morning with a different feeling in my stomach. Almost nervous. I'm not sure why, solo's always been my comfort person. Someone I'm not shy around, someone who I'm not afraid will judge me.

I threw my hair into a slick back bun. Threw on some low-rise baggy jeans and a white fox hoodie. I added on some light makeup threw on my ugg ultra minis and headed to my car.

The drive there was peaceful except for that fact everytime I thought about Solo my stomach erupted with an uneasy feeling.

I headed inside the cafe and saw solo sitting there minding his own business calmly. I walked over and sat infront of him.

"Y/n! How are you sweetheart?" he asked happily. My stomach fluttered at the the pet name thrown my way.

"I'm great! How are you? It's been a few days without you, I've missed you" I spoke back to him.

He smiled at me cheerfully before replying. "I'm good, and trust me I've missed you more then you can imagine, I'm so used to seeing you everyday" he replied back to me.

Throughout our lunch together we had a wonderful time. We talked about what's been going on these past days and catching eachother up.

All of a sudden he cleared his throat and looked like he was thinking of what to say.

"S-so y/n, uh, you know a lotta people been asking me bout you" he spoke nervously.

I wanted to tell him everyone has been asking about him too, but he could be talking about a different situation and I don't wanna take the risk of embarrassing myself completely.

"What do you mean? What have they been asking?" I asked in a questioning tone.

"Uh they been like telling me what they usually do" he started. I looked at him to continue. "Like uh that we'd be uh cute together and stuff" solo explained.

Ok so it wasn't just me? That relieved me.

"Yeah same and-" I got cut off by him. "And they not wrong" he admitted.

I felt my heart start pounding and my cheeks warming up.

"I love you y/n" he spoke just loudly enough for me to hear.

That was all it took. I reached over our table and placed both my hands on his cheeks. I leaned in and our lips collided and we shared a passionate kiss.

I pulled back taken back by my boldness. What did I just do?

"Oh my lord, I'm so sor-" I started.

"No, no y/n don't be sorry, you don't even know how long I've wanted you to do that sweetie" my cheeks flushed once again at the pet name he used on me.

I nodded my head not knowing what to do next. "So, I guess I gotta ask you now, will you be my official girlfriend?" he asked almost sheepishly.

"Of course I will solo" I said right back at him, a little too quickly because he let out a low chuckle in my direction.

We spent the rest of our lunch making plans for our first official date. I could tell this was the start to something really really good.

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