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At the hikari in main room of a place as tbe hikari studio, Akihito was sitting at the table next to the window to the right of the room, where she was checking his rider cards. Most of the rider cards have same layout, their main color is black but there are dashed of white, gray and mengenta. On the card is a white symbol of the character it represented, but it will be difficult to see, as each card depicts a man wearing a face with a different style. The inspection "MASKED RIDER"With diffident names who those character are and in the corner is probably the symbol of the men depicted on the card.

Akihito:kuuga.. Agito,,, ryuki... Faiz... Blade...hibiki.. Kabuto.. Den-o... Kiva...W... Saber...

Akihito mutter to each card he put on the deck.placing all the kamen rider card she had on the table, he stared at them, confused as so what wataru meant.

Akihito looked at the aforementioned card in puzzlement. As far as he remembered, those two worlds haven't merged any of the precure stories yet. She has the card of first stage heisei kamen rider, but only w and saber of the second heisei and reiwa. And he's not sure if it's okay to use two cards with decadriver, because his predecessor used neo decadriver to able to use them.

Akihito mumbled, before looking down at the table, glaring it.he sighed. Before collecting the rider cards and inserted them into the ride booker. After putting the ride booker away, he reached for his camera, replace the film inside and put it back around his neck.

Akihito:let's go.

He left the room. When he exited and hikari studio, an aurora curtain appeared and passed her before he chance to react. Blinking, he saw that his surrounding hadn't changed, but she felt something strange about herself.


He looked back at his body, noticing that his outfit had changed. Akihito Quickly ran to a nearby glass to look at his reflection.

He found himself currently wearing a white clothes with long sleeve and a black tie around the collar. Over the top of his clothes is dark blue felt jacket with large silver buttons on the pocket flaps on the sides and center of the long pants. He wear a dark blue tube skirt, white socks and black man shoes. Finally, complete the look with a dark blue homburg hat and his favorite camera strapped around his neck. The remarkable things About Akihito outfit is that it look exactly like a male office outfit, even with the police badge on the clothes and hat.

Akihito:could this be my role in this world?.

Akihito wonder,he had never experienced this before.but, according to Tsukasa, every time his predecessor goes to another world, the aurora curtain will appeared and changer his outfit, as of saying his role in the world what is thought clothes.

Akihito:oh okay!it's time to check around the world.

After saying, Akihito walked over to where the machine decader was parked, where he saw a bicycle with walkie-talkie mounted on it. Without thinking too much about why there was a police bike here, Akihito quicky climbed on it and started patrolling.

Patrolling around the town of pikarigaoka, he thought that all that happened In this place seemed like a bad dream to the inhabitants. Everyone is going their normal days peacefully, although the newspaper and tv are still talking about the town being miraculously restored after what happened yesterday. But apparently, not too many people paid attention to that.

Akihito stopped his bicycle on a street, where he thought about what happened yesterday.

Akihito(though):i think that's also quite true because no one thinks that the world is going to be destroyed m in a day because of me.

Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now