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At the blue mansion, megumi and hime inside the living room while the ribbon floating the stairs to take picture of hime, Who wear her school uniforms as she was spinning around and excitement in happy and sparkling her eyes at the Akihito also take picture of hime too.

Ribbon:it suits you well!it's excellent!

Tsukasa:oh my.. That's beautiful clothes.

Megumi was smile at hime clothes and raised her fist.

Megumi:you're so cute!

Megumi was impressive to hime that her clothes was cute as hime still excitement in excited and turn back at blue, who stand front of railing up stairs and ask about clothes.

Hime:what's this outfit anyway?

Blue:pikarigaoka academy uniform. Starting today, you're attention school.

Hime:hm? School?

Hime was confused his said she must going school with megumi until she was shocked her face and scream around the mansion.




At the same, Akihito and megumi was dragged hime leg out from down sofa when she tried hold the carpet to hold off and doesn't want to school because she was nervous to talk at people.

Hime:no!i don't want to go!

Akihito:hime, don't be silly!you must go to school tomorrow.

Megumi:you can make lots of friend at school!


Hime was surprise megumi said she can make lots of friends at school while hime let go of carpet as Akihito and megumi also let go of her and look down on sofa at hime to spoke up.

Megumi:it will be really fun!


Megumi:if you go to school, you make a ton of friends!

Akihito:she's right. You might have lots of friend and studying Together.

Hime:how many?

Hime ask them how many they are as Akihito crosses his arms to think something until megumi answers to hime.

Megumi:a hundred!

Before hime eyes widened in surprise that she will make one hundred friends until hime get up to removed sofa as Akihito and megumi was surprise and crawl on the ground.

Akihito:that's was fast!

Hime:that many?

Megumi:yes. So let's go Together.

Hime nod her that she going school Together with megumi as hime put on her cheek to make excited her face and wondered.

Hime:a hundred friends?

Hime was imagine that she was surrounded by the classmate to cheering at hime. Hime was giggle and running around the living room and spinning around as she jumped from table and heart floating around on hime. As they blinked in their eyes and Akihito was shrugged on his arms.

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