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Previously on, kamen rider decade and happiness charge precure,the boy name was asumu as he become hibiki student. But, hibiki tell his own students that he was gonna retire from being oni until now he become new makamou is gyuuki as he cannot control his power. Ibuki-ryuu and zanki-ryuu argument about their own generation until they settle fight as decade and diend fight each others. But, kaito steal the scroll from them because he want new treasure.

At that time, they stared at decade gonna fight gyuuki. Until gyuuki roar in angry at decade and tackle at him when he tried to flip the curtain red carpet to block attack from makamou and get uppercuts by gyuuki, blow away as decade rolling on the ground.

Decade stand up his knee while he take out his card was attack ride strike vent and insert the buckle to close it.


before the drag claw appeared from the sky as decade it. He take stance combat while dragclaw start glow fire and shoot fireball at gyuuki.but, gyuuki passing through the fire to tackle on decade, which knock out on the ground.decade tried to fight back when gyuuki tackle at him multiple time and uppercut his horn on decade to blow away and fall down on the ground.

Gyuuki turn back to ibuki and zanki who argument about their own fault while their own students tried to calm down and stop fight each others. Gyuuki slowly go toward them to attack them until asumu approach makamou to fight and turn back to his friends.

Asumu:everyone, please run!

Asumu shouted at his friend to run away and turn back to gyuuki who go toward them as asumu gonna fight him. But, his body was trembling when he look at gyuuki seem scared while asumu step away and get trip by branch and crawling on the ground in fear before hino, kanade, ellen, todoroki and akira Notice it and go toward asumu decide help him out.

Todoroki:we protect Asumu-kun.

Akira:i help too.

Hino:and don't forget about us.

Hino, kanade and ellen brought the cure module. The pink, white and cyan fairy tone quicky jumped their module ready to go.

Hino, kanade, ellen:let's play

They actively their module as pink, white and purple clothes wrapped around them forming their dress, then their hair change color and put into a high twin and ponytail, headband with a big bow appeared on each others, frilly wristband appeared on each of them, after moment, hino, kanade and ellen done transform into precure.

Akira take out the onteki and brought the whistle, todoroki pull out chain making oni face side upward. Before the tornado and lighting surrounding around akira and todoroki until they transform into kamen rider.but, she

Melody:playing a frantic tune, cure melody.

Rhythm:playing the tranquil melody, cure rhythm.

Beat:strumming the beat soul, cure beat.

Melody, rhythm, beat:resonate!our musically suite!suite precure.

They doing strike pose together.

Todoroki, Ibuki and suite precure jumped front of asumu to defense on him while todoroki and tenki side kick on gyuuki chest to stumble back as suite precure reach asumu hand to stand up.


Rhythm:are you all right?

Beat:please run away.

Asumu nod precure while he going hide behind tree. Precure join tenki and todoroki to fight gyuuki. Melody and rhythm through punch on makamou chest as he doesn't feel hurt and tackle at them who avoided flip back on the ground. Beat tried to barrage punch and kick against on gyuuki when he caught beat legs as she got shocked and gyuuki throw beat to lean against the tree and landed front of near ibuki and others.

Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now