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Previously on, kamen rider decade and happiness charge precure,a mysterious man name kaito daiki as he going steal the faiz gear until he Transform into faiz front of Akihito and others. As yes precure 5 appeared on the faiz world because ryuki and faiz begin combined one the world.tomoda was attack by tiger until ogami go toward tiger and blocked his arms from him as he Transform into wolf orphnochs and They seem surprise.

At that time, Precure 5 and tomoda examined in surprise to see ogami is wolf orphnochs. Wolf punch on tiger chest as tiger swing claw at him when he avoided attack several time and side kick a his chest.

Tiger:you bastard. You're an orphnochs!

Tiger swing claw at him several time, causing an spark while wolf grabbed on tiger shoulder to hold tight as tiger break free and swing claw at him on his chest. Tiger and wolf deliver punch each other chest, causing am spark as they knock out on the ground.

Wolf stand up and turn back to tomoda who still fear.

Wolf:tomoda, hurry and ru-

Tomoda:no way... Takumi is an orphnochs.

he look face down in depressed before remained about earlier that her said that she hate orphnochs.

Tomoda:anyone would hate them. They're monster who pretend to be human.

Back to decade, decade and diend was still fight each others as they point gun to blast to each others. Until lobster approach diend and hold on him hand to tightly.

Lobster:you said you wanted to join the lucky clover!

Diend:i guess i said that. But what i really wanted was that!

Diend point at decade who hold the faiz gear as he claimed that he going after faiz gear. Before diend break free and shoot bullet at her stomach, causing an spark as she scream in pain and blow away. Diend turn back to decade.

Decade:what are you going to do with faiz belt?

Diend:faiz gear. It was developed by a certain company. It's a precious treasure.sleeping in the world's are treasure that are beyond our imagination. I want to obtain them all!

Decade:i knew it. You're tried to thief and obtain new power?

Diend smirk at him and charge forward at decade with blurry speed. Decade tried to block attack from diend and get punch by diend to stumble back until diend shoot at him, causing an spark as decade scream and blow away to rolling on the ground as he dropped the faiz on the ground too. Decade reveal to normal.

Akihito take look at wolf orphnochs who get knocked by tiger as rest of precure fight tiger as wolf reveal to normal. Ogami crawl on the ground while he pick up the faiz gear and type pressed button on phone to summoned the auto vajin.as auto vajin approach ogami and defense on tomoda.

dream and aqua deliver punch at tiger face as rest of lemonade, rouge and mint punch and kick against him until they through punch at tiger chest to stumble back.auto vajin point gun at tiger and shoot at him, causing an spark as tiger was struggled and rolling on the ground.

Auto vajin turn into motorcycle while ogami go toward his motorcycle and look at tomoda to spoke her.

Ogami:get on!

But, tomoda was still hesitant that if ogami was orphenoch attack human until he grabbed on tomoda hand to dragged and hopped on the motorcycle. Before they drove off to leave the place as Akihito and precure stared at ogami and tomoda one more time. Until diend approach Akihito and precure and point gun at ogami and tomoda as they notice it and dream put hand down on diend driver to lowly weapon.

Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now