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One day the mansion, ribbon was on the kitchen as she was busy preparing lunch for a hungry hime. Ribbon cut the vegetables, potatoes and put Parmesan cheese on plate when she put ingredients on the plate.

Ribbon:become delicious!okay!

Ribbon put plate on the oven and close it to set the time. Until the oven start ring as she open the oven with her glove and removed the plate from oven while she smell aroma of food.

Ribbon:I'd say i did a fantastic job.

Hime:hey, ribbon!

Ribbon heard voice from hime and turn back to her as she approach her and ask about the lunch. When her stomach was growling as she was hungry.

Hime:is lunch ready yet?

Ribbon:it's just about ready!

Hime:oh? Really?

Hime was surprise that ribbon was done make dished. But, hime was feel uncomfortable her face and stared at something on her plate it's was grilled fish with cover with cheese and vegetable.

Hime(pouted):why fish?i wanted to eat pancakes today!

Hime start complain and shook her hand that she want pancakes. As ribbon was sign and put on her hips.

Ribbon:you're being so selfish again...

Hime:who cares? I choose what i eat!

Ribbon was little shocked her said that hime want choose what she eat as ribbon have angry mark on her head and snapped out at hime. But, ribbon going calm down her temper and spoke to her gently.

Ribbon:hime, you know...


Ribbon:I'm looking out for your healthy...


Ribbon:hime.. Listen i-

Hime start shouting and tantrum that she want pancakes.


Hime start trembling the table around dishes as the fork suddenly stab on fish and ribbon gasped in horrors while hime shouted one more time.


And now, ribbon continue angry mark on her head and become snapped out at her.as her eyes was fire.

Ribbon(angry):I've had enough!

Ribbon turn her face from hime and crosses her arms.

Ribbon:picky kids get nothing to eat!

Hime slamming the table and become angry.

Hime:what did you say!? Pancakes are easy to make!just make some already!

Ribbon turn back face at hime and shouted.

Ribbon:be quiet!you don't even know how to crack open an egg yourself!


Hime and ribbon glared light each at others as argument.



At the street, megumi walk on the street to ahead mansions to meet hime and ribbon as Akihito too. When he pull his motorcycle to parking and follow megumi lead.

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