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Flashback, at the oogai first middle school, all the student was leave the place after they done. The three girls walk to the gate leave the school while another girl approach them behind and hold the umbrella. It's was mana and her friends.

The pink hair it's name was amari mana, the blue girl hair fugita rikka, the orange hair girl name hasegawa Alice and purple girl hair name kendata makoto. Kazuma little sister.

Mana turned back to makoto about kazuma work.

Mana:so, you want invite us to BOARD company where you're brother?

Makoto:yeah. I request to invite my oniichan company at cafeteria.

Rikka:i see. I though he work at the lab.

Makoto:that's he made decision.

Before they spot person who running at the street and recognize him it's was kazuma as they surprise.


Alice:what's wrong with him?

Rikka:why he running so quicky?

Mana:i don't know. Anyway, we going follow him lead.

They nod her in agreement and follow kazuma behind where he going.


Present, decade and chalice still fight each others while rest of two rider fight paradox undead. Decade and chalice deliver punch each others chest as chalice side kick on his chest to stumble back. Decade tried to side kick at chalice several time when chalice immediately block attack and spinning kick at decade, who block attack with both his arms and counterattack with elbow strike on his chest.

Garren and mutsuki get blasted by paradox and blow away to rolling on the ground. Paradox grab two rider collar and deliver punch at their chest to step away.garren and mutsuki tried to fight back as paradox quicky punch at two chest and swipe off their helmet.


Kazuma heard from girl voice and turn back it's was mana and others as they arrived. They go front of him to help up to stand up.

Makoto:are you all right?

Mana:are you hurt?

Kazuma:yeah, somehow.

The girls stared at garren and leangle fight the paradox undead and they turn back to new rider decade as he was fight chalice.

Mana:it's that..

Alice:new rider...

Kazuma:yeah. He's legendary kamen rider chalice.. He stole the my blaybuckle and i cannot Transform anymore.

They seem shocked his said that chalice stole the blaybuckle.


Makoto:oniichan, we will going take back blaybuckle from chalice.

Kazuma:I'm counting on you girls!but, be careful!he different level then us!

They nod him as they stand up to face chalice while they brought their own item to Transform. But, chalice notice and raised his hand to blast at girls, causing an spark as they scream in pain and landed on the ground as they shocked.

Kazuma:mana-chan, rikka-chan, alice!makoto!

Chalice:what a foolish!

Decade:why you!

Decade glared at him and going through punch at him. But, leangle swing his staff at chalice, causing an spark when chalice groaning in pain and turn back face glared at leangle. Chalice deliver punch and kick against leangle as leangle tried swing staff at him and get side kick by him to lean against Garren when Garren pushed by paradox undead.

Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now