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Previously on, kamen rider decade and happiness charge Precure,Akihito and others was arrived new world was as they meet minami kotaro aka kamen rider black rx who protect people from crisis empire. Until they new general name was Apollo geist as he declare to them that he was general of dai-shocker and gonna suck Akihito soul. But, iona save him when her soul suck by Apollo geist perfecter as she was lost unconscious. Akihito decided going after Apollo geist to grab perfecter from his horn to return iona normal. until he arrived at new world was black of world as the man approach decade and transform into kamen rider black.

At that moment, decade and black still fight each others as decade avoid attack from black when black tried deliver punch on him three times.

Decade:I'm not your enemy!

Black:rider punch.

Black through punch on decade chest to rolling on the downstairs as decade groaning in pain and stared at black with his narrows eyes.

Decade:if talking won't work, maybe this will show you!

Decade stood up from ground while he take position to ready another around. Until black jumped forward to side kick on decade.

Black:rider kick.

But, someone blast bullet on black to make him knock out on the ground while decade turn back face it's was diend appeared behind decade behind.


Diend:Akihito, what are you doing?

Black stood up from ground and stared at diend.

Black:are you decade comrades?!

Diend was sigh and get annoyed by black words.

Diend(sigh):out of the question. "Comrade"is the worst i hate most.

Diend take out the new card it's was image of kamen rider fenme and insert card on driver to slot it.


diend shoot holographic forward to the sky and fall down front of black and reveal to kamen rider fenme as black got surprise and confused. Fenme swing visor on black who quick avoid attack as she continue swing visor on him and get grab arms by black. Until she let go of him and thrust on his chest to stumble back.

Fenme thrust visor on black two times which he Dodge attack with his head and step away because he have trouble fight female. Fenme jumped front of black to swing on his chest, causing an spark when black grunted in pain. Fenme swing on his chest as black quickly avoid attack and get uppercut slash by her.

Decade turn back face to diend.

Decade:it's that female rider?

Diend:bingo. Femme. As i though, honorable black has trouble handling female.

Diend claimed to decade that black had trouble handling female.

Decade:you're as petty as always.

Diend:i prefer to call it"smart". So come.

Diend tell decade while he drove off to ahead somewhere while decade follow him behind left black and femme fight each others. Femme swing visor on black several time as he block attack and hold her visor to hold off. While femme elbow strike on his chest to let go and thrust on his stomach to blow away when black scream in pain.


Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now