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At that time, Akihito and others brought ariane to hikari studio where she laying down on his bed as she have wet towel on forehead and cover by blanket. While they stared at girl and wonder.

Yusuke:who's this girl?

Megumi:yeah,we never seen our life.

Natsumi turn back to Akihito and others about ariane.

Natsumi:how do you guys find out her?

Akihito:we found her on river when we spot that she was injured. So that's why we decided that we brought this place.

Natsumi patted her cheek and wander about ariane

Natsumi:but, i wander that if she is not this world?

Ariane start groaning while ope her eyes snapped open,wander around the Akihito room and back face to Akihito and others.

Akihito:are you Okay?

Before ariane suddenly grab Akihito collar to lean against the wall as we notice it. While Ariane glared her face at him and tight on his collar as he look curiously.

Ariane:who are you? Who brought me here? Just tell me.are you one of those slave traders?

Akihito:huh? Slave trades. What are You talking about me? I brought you here when you get injured so that's why i help you out.

Akihito calmed to her he's not one of slave traders as she notice it. She put him down on the ground in a calm way.

Ariane:oh.. I though you were one of those slave traders.I'm sorry, i misunderstanding about you.

Akihito:it's okay.by the way, I'm uezuki akihito.

Ariane turn back face to yusuke and others.

Ariane:who are you people?

Yusuke:onodera yusuke.

Eijiro:hikari eijiro.

Natsumi:hikari natsumi.

Megumi:aino megumi.

Hime:shirayuki hime.

Yuko:oomori yuko.

Iona:hikawa iona, nice too meet you.

Ariane:I'm ariane glenys maple.nice too meet you guys.

Ariane introduced her name. But, yusuke, megumi, natsumi and yuko have problem name was long.

Megumi:Ariane gla-la-lan

Ariane start chuckle at them and spoke to them.

Ariane:you can call me ariane.

Hime:nice too meet you, ariane-san.

Ariane:by the way? Where am i?

Akihito:you inside hikart studio.

Before we spot that her ears wasn't normal as they realize that she's not human.

Megumi:ariane-san, are you elf?

Ariane:yes. I am.

Akihito and others exclaims in surprise their eyes what she said.

Akihito and others(shouted):what?!

Hime:so, you are not human at all.

Ariane:of course. I'm elf after all.

Iona:oh!i see.

Ariane:so you guys afraid of me because I'm elf

Akihito:of course,not!we're just surprise!so,Tell us,do you remembered anything?

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