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Previously on, kamen rider decade and happiness charge precure, fortune was almost defeat by phantom when decade and precure finally arrived to save her. Hime give all the precard to iona that she's worried about incident. But, iona tell her it's not hime it's was hunter phantom who tried to catch all the precure and  apologized to her hime when she mean to her so much and now iona become precure once again when she grant her wished.

At the mirror across room,blue transported the decade and others back to the mirror room as they landed on the ground safely except for hime and ribbon when they has swirling eyes that they got from the explosion.ribbon snapped her mind and turn back to blue while asked about mirage.

Ribbon:blue-sama!did you know mirage in the past?

Blue stared at the mirror in narrow eyes and nod her.

Blue:i knew her form a while ago.

Hime:what do you mean?

Blue:but now she's my enemy. Please protect this world with your powers, everyone.

He statement that mirage become blue enemy as he request them protect the world while megumi stared at him with sympathy worried in face expression.



Back to the castle, queen mirage slap her hand on phantom face and scold at him for batting the precure without her permission. As phantoms kneel down on her and shame himself.

Queen mirage:do not go off on your own again. Just listen to me.

Phantom:as you wish.

She walk off to ahead somewhere and decides to spare his life for the time being due to his usefulness.



Back to akihito and others, they return to the embassy and went to living room, where iona gives blue sister transform device as she explained what happened.

Blue:i see. Phantom took cure tender there.


Glasan:I'm sorry for keeping it a secret.

They look up glasan where she seat down on stand front of up stairs and apologized about secret for so long while she punch on the fence as she was upset.

Glasan:i couldn't bring myself to see you after we lost her. I..

Blue:that's fine, glasan. You worked hard.

Blue assure her its is fine because she's been working very hard.they stared at iona where she holding the decadriver and ridebooker.

Megumi:but, we surprise that you become decade form like akihito-san.

Iona:i guess so.

Yuko:akihito-san, how did you get another decadriver for hikawa-san?

Akihito exclaimed in surprise her word while he explain to them.

Akihito:well!before you guys research hime, i walk nearly lake until man who wear black hood give me the suitcase item of kamen rider for precure.

Iona:i see. Then, what's his name and give decadriver for me?

Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now