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Previously on, kamen rider decade and happiness charge precure,Akihito and others went to the next world was kiva world. As human and fangire was are coexists. The boy was name was wataru as kiva. Wataru not sure that he will become king or not. At that moment, Tsukasa went to another mansion and fight kamen rider kaixa.

Back to castle doran, kiva and beetle fangire still fight each others. They punch and kick at each others side. Kiva tried to kick on beetle side back, but beetle still doesn't feel hurt and continue punch against on kiva.

Until someone the door it's was swallowtail fangire. When he heard loud noise. He look at the kiva and beetle was fight each others as swallowtail point at beetle.

Swallowtail:you ruffian!

Beetle punch on kiva shoulder and kick on his chest as kiva tried to fight back. Until beetle deliver powerful punch on his chest to knock out on the ground. Kiva rolling on the ground when he saw beetle going grab his collar as kiva stand up and take combat while he going punch on beetle, but beetle quick block attack and grabbing kiva collar.

Beetle:hand the kiva armor over!

Kiva:no!this is sign of the king!

Kiva reply him that this is sing of the king.

Beetle:you won't take the King's throne!i will be king instead!

Beetle punch on his chest to feel his pain and backfist on kiva back to rolling on the ground. Swallowtail fangire go front of kiva to help him out as three guardian was appeared and stared at beetle until three guards was shocked in fear and trembling their body as they recognize beetle.

Garuru:that man is...

Bashaa:no way...

Kiva turn back to face at three guardian.

Kiva:lend me your strength, garuru.

Garuru stared at kiva that as kiva request to him lend me his power. But, they cannot help kiva power because they are scared of beetle as kiva stand up and notice it.

Kiva:what's wrong guys?

Kiva tried to tell three guardian. But they don't responses to kiva as they don't match the beetle. Beetle was scoffed at kiva and charge forward at kiva.



Back to decade,decade and kaixa still fight each others. Decade deliver punch on kaixa when he block attack and side kick on his back to stumble back. Kaixa through punch at his face to lean against railing while he grab decade collar to hold off to face him.

kaixa:look like this is all you've got, right?

Decade(scoff):you think so?

Decade take out the new card.while image appeared the clone of decade when he split up. The image of decade were the word"decade illusion. "


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Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now