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Previously on, kamen rider decade and happiness charge Precure,Akihito and others meet world of kuuga name was onodera yusuke and detective name was ai yashiro as they going investigation about why the woman get targets by grongi as Akihito reveal true about they revived ultimate darkness. But, kuuga suddenly attack at decade as he call him devil and destroyed the world of kamen rider and precure.

At that moment, decade and kuuga still fight the two brother Hopper. Punch hopper tried punch on decade when he step away to avoid attack. Kick hopper side kick at kuuga as kuuga tried to block attack and fight back.they regrouped each others.

Kuuga:are they with you?!

Decade:don't joke!i don't know them!

Kick hopper side kick at decade, which decade block attack as punch hopper swipe off kuuga face, rolling on the ground. While kuuga stand up and take combat.

Kuuga:chou henshin.

Kuuga change into dragon form. Punch hopper through punch on punch Hopper when kuuga quick punch on his chest and deliver punch at punch hopper, which he avoid attack. Decade and kickhopper side kick each others as kick hopper spinning kick on him when decade avoid attack with his head. He deliver punch on kick hopper multiple time and spinning kick on his back, step away as decade through punch at him while kick hopper quickly his legs to hold off and turn back to kuuga, who fight his partner he glared face.

Kick hopper:you bastard... Just now you laughed at my partner. Didn't you?

Kick hopper side kick on his chest to move away and charge forward at kuuga.



Back to scene, kick hopper going side kick on kuuga to get off punch hopper when kuuga and punch hopper punch each other chest. Kuuga was tried to stand up and recover when he get kicked by kick Hopper as kick Hopper was get more angry.

Kick hopper:you laughed, didn't you?

Decade running toward them and side kick on two hopper chest, step away. Kick hopper and punch hopper punch and kick against kuuga and decade when decade and kuuga dodge attack several time. Kuuga and decade through punch on two hopperchest to rolling on the ground. Kick Hopper and punch hopper charge forward in rage scream until Someone dive kick on two hopper, causing to fall down on the ground it's was cure lovely and cure they landed front of kuuga and decade.


Lovely:are you two alright?

Decade:yeah. We're fine.

They turn back to face two hopper when they stand up to recover.

Lovely:are you kamen rider?

Punch hopper:that's right.

Decade:where did you guys come from?

Kick hopper:from hell.

Punch hopper:hey. You. Come with us!

Two hopper charge forward at them as they take position. While decade take out his card was blast and insert belt and close it.


Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now