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In the mansion akihito and others inside the living room and watch the television as the episode begins scenes from a a tv news show called Precure weekly, which showed three precure groups from around the world, bomber girls from texas, cure art from France, and wonderful net from india, defeating saiarks. As the host appear on the screen to reveal her face.

She has short brown hair and wear glasses. She look similar to masuka mika from yes precure 5 gogo.

Miyo:i wanted everyone to know!myself, included!as you can tell me!I'm the presenter for precure weekly!masuko miyo

miyo was peace on her forehead as she was introduced her name.

Miyo:short for mass communication!precure from all over the world are cleansing saiark day!and righy, the precure has gotten Everyone's attention is in pikarigaoka japan.let me secretly tell you who they are!

Miyo point at screen tv to reveal map japan and zoom into the location was pikarigaoka.

Miyo:they are the happiness charge precure.

The screen reveal to reveal image of kamen rider decade and happiness charge Precure where they fight saiark. Decade swung his sword at saiark, who blocked with his fist as saiark chance to through another punch at decade. But, decade quickly leaped froward and landed on the Saiark to walk on saiark body and spinning kick on monster chest, which knock out on the ground.

Decade turn face to saiark.


Two precure nod him as they raised their fist to start glow prebrace.

Lovely:light of love, turn into scared power!love prebrace.

Princess:light of courage, turn into scared power!love prebrace.

Lovely and princess was crosses their arms into x and spinning around the prebrace.

Lovely, princess:a happily delivery for you happy!

Lovely and princess a heart and two circles respectively, which combined into one.

Lovely, princess:preucre two miracle power shoot!

The two Precure backs bows turn into wings and they fly around to kick the heart/circle combo at the saiark while they doing pose.

Lovely, princess:happiness charge!

Before explosion light as saiark was purified and reveal to normal couple to break from crystals. As the sweet begin gone and returns back to normal. Before miyo on the scene and sparkle star her eyes in surprise to see decade and precure defeat the saiark when she records the camera and go front of precure.

Miyo:what a move!

They turn back to miyo.

Lovely:combination attack.

Miyo(excited):combo attack!proof of you awesome friendship, right? You two seems to be in top form.

Two precure turn back face to each others.

Lovely:that would be...

Lovely and princess hold hand and peace Together at the camera recording.

Princess:the power of our friendship!

And miyo went to recover herself and shouted in excited.

Miyo:don't miss their future exploits!

Miyo turn back to decade, who walk away to his motorcycle while she go front of him to ask.

Miyo:excuse me, are you precure comrade?

Kamen Rider Decade x Happiness Charge PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now