Entry #1: Chen (Part 1)

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First day of the semester, looks like everyone is excited to see their friends again. I walked down the hallway and saw Lay and Kai dancing at their locker. They are best buddies and rivals when it comes to dancing. I walked into my first period class with Lay and Kai behind me. Everyone was wild and crazy. They were loud and goofing off. I walked to put my backpack on my seat. I heard yelling across the room. Then, things started to go out of control... Kris was arguing with Suho over who to watch over Tao tonight when he showers. Their eyes started to glow bloody red. Suho and Kris were our leaders, Suho was our 'mama' and Kris was our 'dad'. They make almost all the decisions but they sometimes fight over who is the real leader. I went over to try to calm things down. "Guys, chill with the glares there", I said to Kris and Suho. They ignored me and continued to argued with their eyes turning darker red by the second. "It's your turn to keep watch, I watched him yesterday!" Kris growled. "Well, Tao is in your group, you're supposed to watch him, not me! And plus, I tugged him to sleep yesterday!" Suho yelled at Kris.

I looked over at Tao. He was crying over someone knocking over his drink. *This is so stupid...* I thought. I was starting to be mad. Almost everyday, there is an argument over Tao or anything so simple.  I flashed a thundershock at the flower jar next to Suho and Kris  which shattered and immediately everyone in the room became silent.  "Geez, what's wrong with you all?! Can't you just solve it simply by doing rock, paper, scissors or something? And Tao, you're such a baby, GROW UP! How did you get in high school anyways? You are like a little kid!" Everyone was shocked... I was shocked myself. I've never been mad before at least not in front of the group. Baekhyun walked over to me and said, "Chen, is there anything wrong? You've never been like this before." "Someone, call the doctor",  Tao joked. "THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!" D.O boomed at Tao. Tao looked down and looked like he was about to cry. "I don't know, I just couldn't take this constant arguments we always have. We should be ONE, right?" I looked down. Kris and Suho got up from their seats and walked over. "You're right, Chen. We shouldn't be fighting over little things like this", Suho said. "I'm sorry, Suho. This is my fault." Kris said. "No, Kris, it's not your fault. I should be the one to blame for this. I'll watch Tao today." "Are you sure, Suho?" Kris replied. "Yeah Kris, I'm sorry for yelling at you." Suho and Kris hugged each other. Their eyes returned to their regular color. I was relieved that things didn't get dirty. Kris and Suho can cause a lot of trouble with their powers.

"Guys, the teacher's coming!" Xiumin yelled suddenly. "Oh, shoot, the flower jar!" I said. "I'll take care of this", Lay said. "Can't you can only heal living things?!" Sehun said. "I have to at least try!!" Lay screamed. "Guys, just let me and Xiumin handle things here", Luhan sighed. Chanyeol went over to Tao quickly. "Tao!! Stop time for a little bit!" Chanyeol shook Tao. Tao obeyed quickly and pointed at the clock. The hand on the clock stopped moving. "Hurry, I can't stop it for long." He said as his hands were shaking.  Luhan concentrated and lifted up the pieces of the shattered jar and started to arrange them. Xiumin froze the the jar pieces together. "Lay, I may need some help here" Xiumin looked at Lay directly. Lay went over and grabbed the jar in mid-air. His hands glowed light green as the cracks on the jar slowly blended in. I looked up, the clock hand was starting to shake. "Guys, the time is about to move again, hurry!" Lay let go of the jar and Luhan caught it in mid-air and slowly sended the jar back to the window. We ran to our seats just as the bell rung and the teacher came in...

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