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Two weeks later, "Hurry up, Luhan! We're next!" Chen shouted as Luhan was putting on his suit. "Chill, Chen. You're just frighten. Calm yourself down." Baekhyun put on his eyeliner and walked over to Chen, "You should wear some too." Chen backed away and went to D.O. "I'm good, put some on D.O." D.O glared at Chen and said, "I'll break both of your necks if I get a drop of eyeliner on my face." Luhan laughed hard. Chen started to run when Baekhyun tried to put eyeliner on him.

Lay and Kai sat down after their performance. They had a great time dancing on stage and had a lot of cheers from the audience. They watched as Chen, Baekhyun, Luhan, and D.O walked out and started to sing Miracles on December. They cheered when they were done. "They can sing really good." Kai said. "Yeah, everyone has their talents." Lay replied. They got up and went backstage to get ready...

Tao, Chanyeol, and Kris walked on stage and started rapped for their performance. Xiumin danced to their song. They got cheers from the whole school. Tao started to cry. "What are you crying about now?" Kris stared at him. "This is the first time I performed and everyone liked it." Tao cried. Chanyeol laughed. "Well, we did sound good today." Xiumin nodded. "Get ready guys, the show's almost over."

Everyone walked up the stage and sang Christmas Day, and they enjoyed there time like the rest of the school did. They celebrated after school and had a happy rest of the day.

Just like that, our Exo has survived thanks to supporting each other. Thank you so much for reading the story. We are One, We are EXO L!

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