Part 1- School life

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As everyone went to their seats, the teacher came in with a smile. "Welcome, to the first, new year in high school! My name is Mrs. B and I'm your new history teacher." "I hate history", Chanyeol grumbled. "Did you say something Chanyeol?" Mrs. B asked. "No, no I was just talking to myself", Chanyeol replied slowly. "All right, then take out your new notebooks and I will be coming around with textbooks. I want you all to read chapter 1 to 3 and write a 2 page summary of it." Everyone looked down as they saw their textbooks. None of them wanted to do work on the first day of school...

After what seemed like forever, class was over. "This paper will be due tomorrow, so don't forget to do it!", Mrs. B called after them. Chanyeol gritted his teeth as he walked to the next class. "Chanyeol, don't worry, dude, we got this. At least it wasn't a six page essay, it's not that bad." Kai said as he walked next to him. "What do you mean, it's not that bad? Who would give a student a 2 page essay on the first day of school? No one would besides this teacher." Baekhyun said as he walked next to Kai. "Baek is so right! Who would give students homework on the first day of school when they don't even know what they are learning yet? This is why I HATE history!" Chanyeol grumbled.

They went to each class learning the teacher's name and getting to know what they will be doing for the school year. Everyone looked forward to going to school (besides history class) and learn plus have fun. They survived two weeks of school together. They had fun playing soccer, learning the forces of nature, working on computer science and learning so much more. Chanyeol still didn't like history class, but he is holding on.

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