Entry #11: D.O

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Baekhyun and Xiumin came back as the things were getting worse and Xiumin looked angry. I studied their expressions carefully... Baekhyun looked tired and blank while Xiumin looked scared and angry. "What happened? You guys and Lay were missing for the whole morning. Where's Lay?" Suho asked as they sat down to rest. Xiumin told us what had just happened and that Kris was the one behind all of this. "This is so unexpected..." I said to Suho who was not surprised at all. "I had a feeling it was him..." He said as he walked to a chair and sat down. "We need to rescue them. We have to destroy Kris for what he did." He slammed his fist on the table. He then got up and said, "We have to go save them! Kris will try to stop us but we will kill him if we have to!" Everyone nodded besides me and Chen. Chen looked at me and mouthed. 'Should we tell them yet?' I nodded my head. "Suho, we have something to tell you..." I said as I walked over to take a seat next to him. We explained the problem to the team.


This is what happened... I was walking past the hallway during the night to grab something to eat since I couldn't sleep when I heard Chen's phone rang softly and I saw Chen going to pick it up. I walked towards his door and listened. "Kris, why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" Chen whispered. "What happened this afternoon? I know you're hiding something from us." I heard chatters but didn't know what Kris was saying. Chen's face changed to worry and sad. "Kris, I didn't know... I'm sorry, what can I do?" He listened closely and nodded at the end. "Okay, I'll make sure to do that..." and he hung up. I walked away slowly but I stepped on a rubber ducky on the floor by accident. Chen opened the door and saw me. His expression change to anger. "What are you doing in the middle of the night??" I slowly walked inside his bedroom and closed the door. "I heard you talking to Kris. What are you hiding?" Chen looked at me and sighed. "I'll tell you but, don't tell anyone else yet..."

After explaining what we knew, Suho looked worried. "I know her, Nicolle... Kris introduced me to her once. I didn't know she was kidnapped by the Hunters... That's why he's been acting strange lately... I was wrong... " Baekhyun was trying to wondering how to solve this problem and rescue Nicolle. So he said to everyone "Why don't we make a plan about to rescue Nicolle and save Lay's life and everyone else?", Everyone stared at Baekhyun at first and then they said "Why not? What's your plan? " Baekhyun said, "We first should be careful in every step we take because if we take any wrong step our friends will 'pay the price'," everyone was staring at Baekhyun and waiting for him to explain his plan. I liked his plan... It was perfect for us. I looked at the window and thought of Kai who must be suffering along with Lay and the others. I need to save them, We need to save them...

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