Part 7a- Danger

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In the Hunters' lair, Kris walked towards the Hooded Man. "You, tell me... How are they doing?" The Hooded man turned to Kris and hissed. "Do not worry, they are still alive, for now..." Kris looked at him with angry eyes and grabbed him. "You better not kill them, or else I won't forgive you." The Hooded Man laughed harshly. "You are powerless against me, what can you do little wolf?" Kris growled and yelled, "Let go of Nicolle! I already did what you told me to do! She has nothing to do with this!!" The Hooded Man took out a knife and stabbed Kris on the stomach. Kris howled and fell to his knees. "You think I would listen to you, you're nothing but a puppet in my eyes." The Hooded Man laughed evilly as two Hunters dragged Kris away while he was struggling wildly with deep anger in his eyes.

Meanwhile, the group started off with Baekhyun's plan. Chen and Baekhyun watched from under the bush while Suho, D.O and Xiumin walked around the park. Chanyeol was hiding next to the trash can scouting for Hunters. Tao walked towards them with a confident look. He was told the plan and came quickly to join them once again. Tao went over to Suho and said as loud as he can, "Suho... the Hunters' they aren't here right now... I have something to tell you guys." Suho nodded and let him continue. "They are doing an experiment on all of us so they can steal our powers to take over the world... They made Kris be part of this.... Kris is the traitor." When he finished, Chanyeol sent a flash of flames in the air. "Tao, stick with the plan." Xiumin whispered. Tao nodded and he started to run. Suho pointed up the hill, "They're over there, let's go get them." They charged towards the hill with a bunch of Hunters there waiting for them.

There was a big fight going on up the hill. Chen looked up and watched carefully for any problems but everything was going as planned. Suho and Xiumin were captured as planned and sent into a car and it drove away. D.O shook the ground three times to indicate that the coast was clear. Chen, Baekhyun and Chanyeol came out of their hiding places along with Tao. "Let's go." D.O said. They went to where the car was last and saw an ice track. Xiumin and Suho had used their powers to leave a mark so the group could follow where they are going after they are captured.

In the prison cell... Lay stood up and looked around. He still felt a little pain towards his back but, it was better than before. Kai punched the wall to try to break it, but no luck. Sehun and Luhan were hugging each other and crying softly. Lay suddenly heard the doors unlock and looked at what was going on. The Hunters' grabbed Lay and Luhan and dragged them away. Luhan struggled to fight back but he was knocked out and Lay couldn't fight back. Sehun yelled and tried to fight with them but, he was punched on the chest and knocked down. Kai punched another Hunter but was hit by another. They were left in the darkness once again with the sounds of the doors closing on them... Kai looked worried and Sehun screamed for Luhan. What will happen to Exo?

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