Entry #12: Suho (Part 1)

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Me and Xiumin were taken to their lair with Xiumin's frost making a track behind us so the rest of the team can follow us. When we entered a room, I saw a lot of glass tubes and other lab equipment. I looked around and suddenly saw Kai and Sehun trapped in them. I struggled to break free and kicked one of them. I broke away and ran towards the tubes but I was pulled away by a force and was flung backwards toward the opposite wall. I groaned in pain. Xiumin ran over to help me stand up. "Suho, are you okay?" "Yeah, but that power that pulled me away... It felt familiar..." I looked up and saw a Hooded Man who looked at us with Dark Purple eyes. I was shocked, I knew what had happened immediately. "Where is Luhan??! What did you do to him?!!" I growled. He laughed and he threw a bag over at me... I opened it quickly and found...! Xiumin walked over and fell on his knees with a shocked face. It was two wolves, Lay and Luhan. They were still breathing but lost their power and human ability. If we don't get their power back, they will die... I howled a cry and glared at the Hooded Man with my deep red eyes of anger. I charged at him again but I was sent flying towards the door that we came in. Xiumin froze the man's hands and also tried to punch him. The Hooded Man laughed and his hands turned back to normal and pushed Xiumin hard. He was flung towards me. We have to save Luhan and Lay before it's too late... But how?~

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