Part 5- The truth

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The three went to their room and prepared for bed. Luhan didn't even look at Kris the whole time. Tao cried that he missed home. Kris sighed and layed down on the bed not saying a word. Luhan looked at Tao, "Tao, go to the bathroom and wash yourself." As Tao left the room, Kris got up and looked at Luhan. "What do you know?!" He tried not to raise his voice. Luhan glared at him and turned the other way, "I know that you worked under the hunters. I know that it was you that got all of us into this mess. I know that IT WAS YOU WHO KIDNAPPED KAI AND SEHUN, THAT'S WHAT!"Kris was about to grab him but fought the urge to. "I know you didn't use telepathy to know that. Tell me, where did you get all of this information?" Luhan gritted his teeth. "Got to thank you and that hooded man for this information. Or else, we will continue to die because of you!" Kris looked shocked. "How did you- you were there the whole time, weren't you?" Luhan didn't say a word.

Kris was silent for a moment. He then got up to check the doors and the windows to see if they were shut and sat down again. "I didn't want to work for them... They forced me to. This is the story: It's Nicolle. She was sweet and kind and loved me. I loved her too. We were meeting a lot before I started high school. But, a week ago, she was waiting for me at the park when the Hunters napped her. When I got there, she was unconscious and within their grasp. The hooded man said if I wanted her back safely, I would have to work for them and plan to catch you all. I made a deal that as long as they didn't hurt you and that Nicolle will be okay, I will work under them... Luhan, I really didn't mean for all of this to happen. I feel sorry for all of you... Please forgive me." Luhan slowly turned to Kris to read his expression. Luhan sighed and looked up. "Why did all of this happen? When can we have peace?" Kris looked at him. "Luhan, I want you to tell Lay this tomorrow. I don't want to do this anymore." Kris whispered to Luhan the plan and Luhan nodded. Luhan was about to say something when Tao came back. They decided to keep the plan a secret from Tao until they did it and went to sleep...

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