Part 6- Imprisoned

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Kai's PoV: I woke up having an extreme headache. I saw Sehun asleep next to me and I woke him up. Sehun looked around and tried to find a way to escape from our prison, but no luck. We walked everywhere around our prison. I looked for any windows or cracks to escape in, but no luck. I smashed the wall with all my might, but no luck... I suddenly became dizzy and collapsed onto the ground. Sehun ran over to help me towards the wall to rest. "You were in bad shape before, I'm glad that your head didn't start to bleed and that you are okay..." I nodded slowly. I thought again about what had happened before the Hunters caught us... The only thing that I remember is 'his' voice, Kris' voice. He haunted my dreams. Why, why did he do it? I looked up at the dark ceiling, wondering if we could ever escape... I felt like I was about to black out again...

Sehun's PoV: Kai told me what he remembered after we separated from each other, I was shocked. Kris, our own leader.... He was the one who was responsible for this? I couldn't think for that moment. Suddenly, we heard keys unlocking the doors. I ran towards the sound and almost tripped on something. I screamed in terror. "What's the matter, Sehun?" Kai said weakly. I kept looking at what I almost tripped on... It was Lay. He looked pale and unconscious and there was blood on his back. "It's Lay, he's injured badly." "Bring him over here to stop his blood on his wound." Kai replied with a hoarse voice. I picked him up and took him near Kai who fell asleep. I teared off a little of my cloth and wrapped it around Lay's wound. Poor Lay, he's breathing very hard and struggling...

Luhan's PoV: "LET GO OF ME!!" I growled at the Hunters as they dragged me towards the darkness. They unlocked the door and flung me to the ground inside the prison cell. "Let me outta here or you'll be sorry!" I yelled as I heard the the door slam shut. "Luhan...? Is that you?", I heard a familiar voice. "Se...sehun? Are you Sehun?" A shadow appeared in the distance and it was from Sehun. I walked quickly towards him and hugged him tightly. "Luhan... I missed you so much!!" My attention turned to Lay who was laid against the wall and I went over to him. I slowly unwrapped the cloth covering his wound and put my hand over it. Out came the bullet and I threw it somewhere else. Sehun looked over me and asked as I was rewrapping the cloth on Lay's wound. "Luhan, what happened? Why are you and Lay here? What happened to Lay?" "It's a long story." I explained...


"I want you to meet up with Lay and try to tell him the truth." Kris said. "I know for sure that the Hunters will appear before you can say it, so I want you to fight them." "What are you going to do?" Luhan asked. "I'll pretend to work for them so they won't be suspicious. " Kris went onto his pocket and took out a gun. "Kris, where did you get the gun?? What are you going to do with it??" Luhan said. "Don't worry, this gun is a weak one. No one will die from the shot even if it hits the head. I'll shoot this at Lay so the Hooded man will capture him." "Are you crazy? Even if it doesn't kill you, that thing is powerful!" Luhan raised his voice. "Lay has the ability to regenerate, so as long as you remove the bullet from him, he's gonna be okay." Kris put the gun back into his pocket. "Why do want him captured??" Luhan asked. "Lay's healing abilities is needed. I hit Kai really hard on the head last time and Sehun is suffering from poison that slowly takes over him unnoticed. They must be in a bad condition right now so I need Lay to heal him." Luhan sighed. "Okay, I'll help. But, if they catch me and Lay, who's going to save us?" "Don't worry, I'll take care of this." Kris said. Luhan was about to say something when Tao came back in and they decided to end the conversation and go to sleep...~

Lay's PoV: I woke up with an intense back pain. I groaned in pain. "Lay's awake!" I heard Sehun's voice. I looked around and found Luhan walking over to me. "Lay, are you okay?" He asked. I groaned again and slowly straighten myself. "I feel really sore and weak... but I'm okay." Luhan looked relieved. "Lay, can you still use your powers?" I looked at him confused. "Yeah, I can still use them... Why?" Suddenly, Sehun fainted and Luhan caught him before he hit the ground. "Sehun's poisoned, I need your help to cure him and Kai who's suffering from a hit on the head." I nodded and put my hands on Sehun's wrist. His blood veins slowly returned to it's regular color. I then turned to Kai who was asleep. I put my hands on his head. After healing them both I looked at Luhan. "I healed them, they should be alright." Luhan nodded. "Now you should rest a little more to regenerate." I nodded and fell asleep again...

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