Entry #7: Kai

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I ran after Lay. We were having a fitness test in gym. I wanted to beat Lay's time and be better. Lay also seemed to want to beat me and he gained speed. We raced past the others with lightning speed. At the end, I won by a little bit. He laughed and fell back to a chair. I laughed too and sat next to him. It was almost December, I was wondering what we should do for the winter performance. I asked Lay and he didn't know what to do either. I sighed... I hope we can think of a dance to do for the performance... We walked to the lockers to shower and continued on with class with me wondering what to do for the performance...

I walked home alone when Sehun came up to me with a smile. "Hey, Kai. Going home?" "Yea, why are you so happy?" Sehun was in joy when he heard me ask. "Luhan said we will go to the beach together tomorrow to relax for the weekend and it's only us!" I smiled, he really liked to be around Luhan so much. "Well, I hope you guys have fun together tomorrow." He danced in joy. "Can't wait. We hadn't done anything together for a long time!" We walked together across the street when my phone rung. It was Kris. "Yo, Kai. Can you go grab some dinner for the team tonight? I need to pick up Tao from his martial arts class a little later." I said sure and Sehun came over too. "Can I go with him?" Kris answered sure and he hung up. Me and Sehun walked towards the market when I spotted some Hunters coming towards us. "Sehun, hunters alert." I whispered. Sehun nodded and slowly parted away from me. We waited till they came closer and ran opposite sides as soon as they were closer. I teleported the next block and ran as fast as I could and ended up in a alleyway. I looked around and walked slowly towards the stairs on the alleyway. That's when the hunters opened the door and blocked my way. I backed up and was about to turn when someone whacked me from behind on my head... As I slowly lost consciousness, I heard a familiar voice that said I'm sorry... That voice... why did he...

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