Entry #14: Chen (Part 2)

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I saw Chanyeol run over to us and I passed Kris to him. "Keep him warm, so he can survive longer til help comes." I said. He nodded and said, "I will, now go save the others." I nodded and continued on looking for the right room number as I went.

As I walked, I came across some Hunters that were frozen in place. 'Tao must've did this...' I thought. I walked slowly to be cautious for Hunters and finally got to the room. There were Hunters there that were armed. They were moving too. I pointed at the lights and a electric shock boomed at them. They fell to the ground quickly. I walked over to the door and opened it. I looked inside and almost got hit by an arrow. I saw a bunch of security cameras and weapons everywhere. In the center was a computer with a barrier surrounding it. I held my breath and went in. I dodged flying arrows and pointed at each camera to destroy it. I got to the barrier and punched it. The barrier shook and sent electrical shocks out. I punched it again and it broke down. I walked to the computer. It said completed, 99% and Luhan and Lay was on the screen. I was shocked and punched the computer quickly. I kicked it again. The computer shut down and held my breath. I hope I made it in time...

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