Part 7b- Helpless

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Kris ran as fast as he could while holding on to his wound.... He couldn't afford another minute. He had to save Luhan and Lay and he knew how to. Blood dripped onto the ground and he was losing his strength by the minute. He couldn't go on anymore and he paused out of breath. 'What should I do? I can't go on anymore... I need to tell someone to help me though this...' He took out his phone and texted to Chen. He pushed send quickly and fell to the floor. 'I can't faint now, I need to save... her...' He got up and walked quickly down the hall. He took out a key and looked at it, 'I have to help them, I have to save Kai, Sehun, Lay and Luhan before it's too late...' He lost all his strength and he collapsed.

Meanwhile, Chen, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Tao, and D.O walked around the lair trying to track down where they were. Chen's phone rang and he looked. He stopped and said. "Kris needs our help, we have to split up. Baekhyun, use the cloth to track down Nicolle, Tao follow him to protect him from danger. D.O, and Chanyeol, continue to find where the members are. I'm going to find Kris." They nodded and went on their way. Chen looked around and he saw blood drops on the ground after looking for a while. He followed them and found Kris on the ground. "Kris!" Chen ran over to him. Kris was barely conscious. "Chen, please I need your help..." "What do you need me to do?" "Here, take this key... Go to the right room number and destroy the computer inside. There is very tight security there, be careful..." He blacked out. Chen looked at the key and he took it. 'Shoot, now what?' He thought. 'I can't just leave him here...' Chen closed his eyes. 'Exo M, please hear me... please... Kris is in trouble... Please help him... Lay, Luhan...'He focused very hard and repeated the same words two more times. Tao suddenly appeared in his mind. "Chen, is something wrong?" "Tao... Kris is in trouble... I can't leave him here but I have to save Luhan and Lay too, what should I do??" Tao went silent for a moment. "Chen, I'll tell Baekhyun to call Chanyeol over to you, you guys switch places that way, Kris can stay warm and alive." Chen liked the idea. "Yes, please do." I'm on the right of where we split up."

Chanyeol and D.O followed the ice when Baekhyun's voice appeared on their minds. "Guys, Chen needs Chanyeol to go to Kris. He's injured pretty badly." Chanyeol nodded and ran back. "D.O, can you handle this alone?" "Don't worry, I can hold on til you guys get here." D.O replied. He continued until he got to a locked door. He punched the door as hard as he can and kicked it open...

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