Entry #10: Xiumin

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I woke up early and sat up looking outside the window. It was a beautiful morning, the birds were tweeting a song. I walked slowly to the window and opened it. The breeze felt really good. I was about to say good morning to the world when I caught Lay downstairs. I watched as he grabbed his bike and pedaled to the right of me. I pointed at one of his pockets and snow started to fall out slowly. That way I could track him down and see where he was going. I dressed up quickly and quietly walked down the steps and left the house. I followed the snow drops on the ground and founded it heading for the park.

I saw Lay in the distance getting off his bike and went under a tree. He looked like he was waiting for someone. I was looking at him carefully when someone touched my back. I turned and saw Baekhyun with a suspicious face. "What are yo-" I grabbed him and pulled him down and covered his mouth. "Listen, I don't know what's going on either, that's why I'm following Lay." I pointed at Lay. Baekhyun looked at Lay and back at me, "Why is everything happening between Exo M?" I sighed, I was wondering the same thing. "Look, it's Luhan." We watched as Luhan walked over to Lay. I wished that I had telepathy power like Luhan so I could hear what they are going to say when I remembered something. Luhan taught me a little of his power that can listen to what us Exo M is saying from a distance by mind power. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard. At first, it was muffled, but then it became more clear. "So, what did you want to tell me?" Lay's voice came on my head. "I want to tell you the truth of Kris...I followed him yesterday to learn it." Luhan replied. "Does he know about this?" Lay asked. "No, only I know the truth and Kris doesn't know that I know. This is Kris's secret, it's..." He couldn't finish because, all of a sudden, Hunters appeared out of nowhere and surrounded them. "You think you can escape after knowing our secrets? Your powers are especially dangerous to us. That's why you need to die first!" The Hooded man laughed evilly. Luhan growled and charged at them. Lay turned the other way to fight the other hunters. Baekhyun raged and jumped out of our hiding spot. He zapped the nearest Hunter and smacked another one. There was one that was behind him so I froze him before he can attack him. I swung myself at another and froze another in place. Lay saw me and yelled. "Xiumin! What are you doing here?!" "I saw you leave the house so, I followed you here!" We circled around each other along with Baekhyun and Luhan. "How did they know we were....!" Luhan suddenly looked vicious. "He... He knew..." Lay looked at Luhan. "Who?!" "He... betrayed us!!" Luhan yelled and he grabbed a Hunter and slammed him to the other Hunters. Kris, betray us? This is impossible... He took care of us all this time and it was all a lie... Baekhyun shook me out of it. "I know this is weird, but we have to worry about getting out of here first!!" The hooded man smacked Luhan and threw him to the ground. Baekhyun zapped him before he could kick Luhan. I broke out of my misery and pushed away some Hunters forcefully.

Lay kicked the hooded man in the stomach and prepared to finish him when something unexpected happened. A gunshot was heard. Everyone paused. It was as though time was stopped. A few seconds later, Lay tumbled to the ground with a gunshot wound on his back. I turned and found Kris with a gun. His gun hand was shaking hard... Luhan screamed and tried to run over to Lay but was knocked backwards by the hooded man. He grabbed Lay and pointed a knife towards his neck. "Stay away, or your friend here will die." Luhan tried to break free from a bunch of Hunters' hold but failed. Lay was struggling to breathe, he looked like he was in a lot of pain. The hooded man laughed. "If you want them to be alive, then back away from us!" I tried to run over to them but, Baekhyun grabbed me and held me back. The Hunters took Luhan and Lay away with Kris walking with them. "TRAITOR, you were the one who kidnapped Kai and Sehun too!!" I screamed at Kris. Kris didn't even look back at me. Baekhyun let go of my hold and walked a few steps forward. "This can't be happening..." He looked scared. I was worried, scared and mad...

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