Entry #12b: Suho (Part 2)

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I was on my knees... Blood rushed from my mouth and was dripping onto the ground. I was too tired and weak to stand up. Xiumin was down also. The Hooded Man laughed. "You little wolves are all powerless against me!!" He turned to Kai and Sehun who were still unconscious and said, "Now, it's your turns... wa ha ha ha!!" I couldn't take it anymore... My anger and pain were in the max. "NOOO!!!" I screamed on top of my lungs. My hands grew claws and I my teeth grew fangs. I charged at the tube and punched the tubes with all my might. The tubes shattered and they came out of them. "Looks like I underestimated the leader of the pack..." He snickered as I dropped to the ground with no more energy to move. Xiumin crawled over to us and looked at the Hooded Man with red eyes. "You can kill us now! Why do you want us to suffer?!!" The Hooded Man slowly walked over to Xiumin and grabbed his chin. "I enjoy watching all of you to suffer before I take all your powers." I tried to stand up, but I couldn't even move at all. "Now, I think I had enough of watching you guys suffer, time to end your lives and take your powers to destroy the world!" Xiumin punched the Hooded Man in the stomach as hard as he can and tried to get another punch but he was flung to a wall and he fell to the ground and blood started to fall from his head. "Xiumin..." I said weakly... "Hmm, you guys are starting to be annoying... Well let's start with ending the alpha wolf first, shall we?" He turned to me. I hissed at him. He took out his sword and walked over to me. "Suho!" Xiumin yelled as the Hooded Man aimed on my head. Suddenly, the door slammed open and D.O appeared. He stomped the ground and sent the Hooded Man flying towards a bunch of lab equipment. He ran over to me and held on to me. "Suho, are you okay?!!" He said. "I'm... okay" was all I could say before I blacked out...

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