Entry #3: Kris (Part 1)

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"Where is Tao??" I asked the group as we walked out of the school building. "I thought he was with Sehun", Luhan said. I turned to Sehun and saw him looking confused. "Sehun, where's Tao?". "I don't know, he was just here..." He said. I was starting to be mad. Chen sensed my anger and said "He must be playing hide and seek, let's find him right now." D.O looked at Chen wildly, "This is not a time for games, Chen". Luhan closed his eyes and tried to locate Tao with his telepathy powers. Sometimes he can be a big help when it comes to locating something. He opened his eyes and whispered, "Chen's right, he was trying to hide from us for fun. I already know where he is." He whispered to me, "He's hiding behind the tree over there". I knew that Luhan wanted to troll Tao so I went on with what he wanted. "Guys, split up, Tao can stop time on a certain object but not multiple so some of you go over there and you guys go over there." I walked away slowly and hid under a bush and jumped up. I flew to the tree that Tao was hiding in and the rest of the members followed me and circled around the tree. Tao tried to freeze time to stop us but he didn't affect me since he didn't know I was there and jumped down the tree and grabbed him. "TAO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THAT WAS DANGEROUS!" I yelled at him. My eyes started to glow red. Tao looked scared and started to cry. The thing is that, he is the best fighter of us 12 but he is the most childish and the biggest cry-baby which always made me surprised. Suho grabbed me and pulled me from Tao quickly. "Kris, get ahold of yourself, you're losing control!!" I wanted to punch Suho but I knew he was right and tried to calm down. D.O slammed the ground suddenly which caught my attention immediately. "The hunters are here!!" We looked and saw them running over to us. "Let's all split up to make things easier and we meet up at the hideout when we are safe!" I ordered everyone. Everyone nodded and started to run. I jumped to the air and flew towards the city. I looked down to see some chasing me.

I flew to a building and saw them enter the building. I jumped from the building and landed on top of the bus. That was an mistake because they were on the bus too. I ran towards them and kicked them as hard as I can. Good thing we were taught how to fight back. I dodged a punch and grabbed the man and smacked him hard. I threw the man right at the others that were coming straight towards me. I jumped and flew away to an alleyway to hide. After a while, I looked around to see if I was safe. The coast was clear. I walked out and heard a loud boom in the distance. I saw a big thunderbolt flash over by the park. There was something wrong with the thunderbolt, it seemed like it was a message from Chen... I had a very bad feeling about this... I ran quickly after the lightning hoping something didn't happen...

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