Entry #8: Luhan

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It was recess on a cloudy afternoon. We were playing soccer and having fun. I just love soccer, it's a good sport to relieve stress especially after what had happened to Sehun and Kai. I was tired and exhausted but, I had a lot of fun and I felt relaxed. Kris came over to me and sat down, he was sweating hard. "Why do you love playing soccer so much?" He asked. "It's just me, I love to play soccer." He smiled and hugged me suddenly. "If anything happens, I want you to take over as leader." He said to my ear. I let go of him and stared at him. He looked at me with troubled eyes. I knew something was wrong immediately. He mouthed out the words I'm sorry and I looked at him blankly... He got up and walked away. I was frozen in shock... I couldn't believe that things are turning out like this... Why was Kris saying this to me? What is he hiding? I found myself getting more confused and angry...

Lay shook me hard during the end of math class. "Yo, its the end of class. What's wrong?" I looked at Lay and just stared at him. I slowly got up and left Lay looking worried about me. I walked towards the school entrance and left before the school ended... As I walked, I saw Kris a few blocks away. He was talking to a hooded man and they were being very secretive. I walked over to the nearest tree and listened closely. "Is Kai awake yet?" Kris asked. "Don't you worry about them, I want you to find a way next to start an argument and form a group to go behind you. That way you can control them and they are within our grasp." Kris glared at him. "Now, why would I start a fight with them? We are one!" He grabbed the hooded man.  "Unless, you don't want 'her' back and your little friends to be alive." The hooded man pushed him away. Kris' eyes glowed red. "You better not hurt anyone of them, or you'll be sorry."  The hooded man laughed. "You should be the one that's sorry, so worry about yourself first." He left Kris there as he got in the car and left in a black car. I was shocked. It was Kris that was responsible for Kai and Sehun's disappearance. I finally understood why he was acting strange lately. I sat down under the tree and started to cry softly. All this time... Kris was a spy. He worked under the Hunters. Sehun... I felt really worried about him. He cared for me the most and I love him... I suddenly felt my anger rise and I got up. I started to run and I saw Kris walk slowly and I ran towards him. He turned and I grabbed him by the neck and knocked him down to the ground with my rage out of control. "You little freak, you work for them! You were the one that got us all into this battle!" I growled at him and shook him even harder. Suddenly, I felt a tug and turned to see Chanyeol grabbing me by the arm. He knocked me to the side and pulled Kris up.  "What are you doing, Luhan? We need to stick together!" I was about to scream what I've heard when Kris shoved me to the side and yelled, "This is none of your business, scram!" Suho walked up and growled at him. "What's the matter of you? You leave school early, fight with Luhan, and now rage on Chanyeol even when he helped you. Did you lose your mind or something?!" Kris glared at Suho, "Why of course I'm mad, it was you that kidnapped Kai and Sehun and you're trying to hide it!" Suho widen his eyes and it started to flash red. "ME, KIDNAP THEM?! You lost your mind, Kris! Why would I hurt them?" Chen tried to calm them both down but was pushed aside by Suho. "Well, if you say I kidnapped them, I can say you did too!" Kris flashed his eyes with anger as well. "Now you say I did it, you little liar!" I was about to shut them down and tell them what I've heard when something hit me. I suddenly knew that Kris was trying to start a fight. I suddenly didn't know what to do. Hunters can be anywhere watching this right now, if I tell the truth, Kai and Sehun would be in terrible danger.... what should I do??

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