Part 8- We are one

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D.O's PoV: I'm losing my power... This guy is so strong because he has Luhan's telepathy and Lay's regeneration power. I stumbled back a little as he tried to hit me with a tube of chemicals and I dodged it. I looked at Luhan and Lay who were laying there and barely breathing now. I have to end him NOW!

Xiumin's PoV: I watched as D.O was struggling to fight the Hooded Man. My head was in pain... I wrapped some cloth on it from my shirt. I stood up slowly and pointed at the Hooded Man and his hands were frozen. D.O smacked his fist on his face and he fell backwards. I fell back onto the floor and groaned in pain...

Sehun's PoV: I woke up and found Suho, Kai and two wolves next to me. I gasped as I recognized them wolves as Luhan and Lay. I hugged Luhan tightly and cried. "Luhan!! Wake up! Don't leave me!!" My attention turned to D.O as he was knocked backwards towards the ground. I went over to him and found him panting really hard. He had blood on his mouth. He looked at me and said, "Sehun, he's too strong, get Luhan and Lay out of here!" I glared at him. "I'm not leaving the rest of you guys here to die! We're going to die together if we have to." "Such emotional words..." The Hooded Man said. "But, no one escapes here tonight." I blasted a gust of wind at him but he just ignored it like nothing. I grabbed D.O before he can slam his fist at him and kicked him hard. I placed him on against the wall and prepared to fight. I saw the Hooded man lift a bunch of chemicals a sent it towards me. I blasted them with my wind but that wasn't enough because some purple liquid hit my legs and it burned me. I fell to my knees and he knocked me down with a table. I struggled to move but the table locked me in place... He laughed harshly as I continued to struggle.

D.O's PoV: I watched helplessly as Sehun was stuck under a table and couldn't get out. I struggled to stand and I stomped the ground before the Hooded Man could lay a finger on Sehun. He stumbled backwards and I punched the table which broke apart. I helped Sehun up. We charged together towards the man...

Tao's PoV: I ran quickly towards the ice track which was starting to fade. I knew something was happening. I got to the room and found D.O and Sehun almost hitting me. I caught them both and set them down. I tried to run towards the Hooded Man but suddenly, a barrier appeared to block me from getting near him. I punched the barrier but a electrical shock hurt my hands and I groaned in pain. "No more games..." He hissed. "It's almost complete... Finally, their powers will be mine!!" I growled as he walked over to Suho who woke up but was weak. "Now, your next, little alpha wolf..." He laughed and prepared to take his life... I screamed and tried to slam the barrier with my fists. I was shocked hardly and I fell to the ground. I looked as the Hooded Man took out his sword and aimed for Suho's head. Suho closed his eyes and screamed "WE ARE ONE, WE ARE EXO!"

Chanyeol's PoV: I kept trying to warm him up. Kris got colder and colder by the second. I touched his forehead and sent some warmth to him. That's when I heard a scream. It was Suho. I heard 'We are one, We are Exo!' I became worried. I then saw Baekhyun and he looked at me with wild eyes. "You heard that?" He asked. I nodded and sighed.... I hope they can make it though. Kris opened his eyes suddenly and he groaned as he struggled to sit up. "Kris, you don't look good, get some rest." I said. He shook his head. "I heard Suho... He's close to his death. He needs help!" I looked at him and said, "Listen, Suho will not die. No one will. Chen can save them, I believe in him." I got up and lifted him up too. "Let's go..."

Kai's PoV: I woke up and heard a scream. I turned and saw Suho was about to be stabbed in the head. I grabbed him and I teleported away. I was too weak and we only got a few steps away, enough to be out of the sword's reach. I collapsed next to Suho who looked at me and mouthed the words 'Thanks'. I nodded slowly and I looked as the Hooded Man looked at me. "Well, well looks like you're too weak to use your power again." He walked closer to me and Suho. I hugged Suho tightly and started to back away slowly. I could hear Tao scream our names. I was frightened... I held on to Suho and he looked at me and held my hands. The Hooded Man was preparing to kill the both of us... I shut my eyes and prayed for hope...

We are One... We are Exo!(Story of Exo)Where stories live. Discover now