Entry #13: Baekhyun (Part 2)

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I sniffed the cloth again. The scent was getting stronger and stronger. Tao was fighting some Hunters that were blocking/chasing us. I started to run towards the locked door that had her scent and tried to kick it open. No luck. "Tao, get this door open!!" Tao looked at me and jumped over the Hunters and ran towards me. I walked past him and pointed at the lights and it flashed brightly. The Hunters stopped to block the light from their eyes and I kicked one of them knocking the rest to the ground. "Baekhyun, it's open!" I turned and went to him. I looked inside cautiously and found a girl who was Nicolle tied up and unconscious. I untied her and held her while Tao was fighting off some Hunters. "Tao, stop time to buy me some time!" He nodded and pointed to the air. The Hunters stopped moving and ran past them. I headed for the entrance and went outside. I layed her on my bike and I rode away. I petalled quickly and stopped after getting away far enough. I howled loudly and waited.

A pack of wolves came to me. They were my friends I met when I was little. The Alpha wolf came over to me. "Take care of this girl. Don't frighten her though. Here, give this to her so she wouldn't be scared." I handed him a necklace and he nodded. I tied the rope onto some wolves and placed Nicolle on a sled. I watched as they disappeared into the forest and head back to the Hunters' lair ready for the final battle...

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