Entry #6: Chanyeol (Part 1)

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Every, single, day.... Loads of homework!! History is the worst, you can't have one day free of history homework... I sat in my dorm tapping my pencil on my work desk. I was trying to concentrate and do my history homework but, I just couldn't do it. I got up to get some water downstairs. When I got to the kitchen, D.O was standing at the sink cutting up some carrots. He looked stable but, I don't know if I could confirm it yet. He was listening to music so, I slowly backed away from he and headed for the stairs. "Chanyeol, don't worry, I'm okay now." D.O suddenly said. I jumped and turned around. He was looking directly at me with normal looking eyes. I can never be calm when I'm around D.O, he creeps me out sometimes. "Are you sure dude? You look like you want to slice someone up with that knife you have there..." He started to walk towards me but he put the knife on the table as he walked past it. "I said I'm okay, ok? I just needed some time to calm down, now I'm calmed enough." I stared at him. "Okay, prove it. Go give me 3 laps around the block and 50 push ups." He stared at me and said, "I need to cook dinner, unless you want me to break your neck." I laughed and said, "Dude, I was just kidding, glad to see you okay." He sighed and said, "Yea, I regret doing what I did. I should've listened to Luhan and not overuse my powers like that." He went back to the kitchen and started to put some chicken into the oven to bake. I walked back into my room and felt relieved that D.O looked better.

After about an hour, D.O called that dinner was ready. I turned off the lights in my room and went down. Everyone else was sitting down already. Luhan sat down too. We ate dinner quietly. Finally, D.O broke the silence. "Everyone, especially Luhan, I apologize for all the trouble I have caused that hurts everyone." He bowed down. Luhan stood up and said, "D.O, we forgive you. It's not completely your fault, you had no choice. I would've done that if I were you..." Chen also stood up, "As long as you don't freak us out again, then you're good." D.O smiled and thanked everyone. The rest of dinner was chatting and laughter.... We played some video games and ate and danced around with joy. Until, the electricity suddenly went out. Suho got some candles and I helped light them up while Baekhyun got some light bulbs and lanterns and lighted them up. We told some scary stories in the dark and got Tao to get up and run away screaming and Suho to go back to his room. It was so funny. It was one of the best times of my life...

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