Entry #4: Sehun

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"D.O, stop! You're losing control!!" I screamed as I watched helplessly as Luhan was sent flying towards a tree and Chen desperately tries to hold on to D.O. D.O's eyes were flashing red. He was going out of control. He howled madly and his hands started to grow claws. He broke free and scratched Chen. He then flashed his anger at the hunters who were starting to feel frighten of him. He stomped on the ground and the ground shook hard. It shook so hard that I fell to the ground. I went a little dizzy but I managed to stand up and run over to Luhan who was lying there. "Luhan! Please hang on!" I yelled at him. His head was bleeding badly and he was barely conscious, I could feel him trembling.  "Plea...se.... sto..p... D.O... Help... him..." was all Luhan could say before he blacked out. My mind went black as well... 'If only someone could call Lay to come... Chen's busy trying to stop D.O and the hunters, what should I do??!' I looked up and suddenly out of nowhere, Kris appears. He looked worried and even more pale when he saw Luhan and me. "What happened here?!!" He yelled. I tried to calm myself and replied, "D.O lost control of himself and he knocked Luhan towards the tree hardly, hurry and get Lay to come before Luhan dies!!" He seemed to understand immediately and closed his eyes. He was out of breath from running here. I hugged Luhan to keep him warm and tears dropped from my eyes. Kris opened his eyes and started to look around desperately. "He said he's around here somewhere but, I don't know where!" Suddenly, Chen was sent flying towards us. Kris caught him before he hit the ground. "You okay, Chen?" He asked. "Besides the wound on my chest and being sent flying in the air, I'm ok" Chen joked. He then looked at me and Luhan. "How is he?" He asked with a worried look. Luhan was looking more and more pale. "He's... turning cold, he needs help, now!" I screamed. In the distance, Lay was running towards us looking scared. He grabbed Luhan from me and start to touch his head. His hands glowed brightly and Luhan's face color slowly turned back to normal. "He needs to get to a hospital, I can only stop his bleeding", Lay sighed. I looked wildly at his eyes. Chen grabbed me by the arm before I could yell at Lay. "Sehun! This isn't the time to be mad at each other. Kris will get Luhan to the hospital as fast as we can. What we need to do now is stop D.O from his rampage." Chen was right. I stood up and nodded at him. Kris gently carried Luhan and flew away. Lay looked up and said "Sehun, try to get all the K members to come, I'll call Xiumin and Tao."

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