Entry # 15: Chanyeol (Part 2)

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I dragged Kris along carefully as we walked along the hallway. Baekhyun was getting more worried by the minute and finally he started to run. I called, "Baekhyun, slow down! We have to be careful here!" He ignored me and continued down.. I sighed... I was starting to become really worried now. Kris looked up and mumbled something I couldn't hear and just looked down after he finished. We heard Baekhyun scream. "Suho, Kai!!" We glanced over the room and found them on the floor with the Hooded Man panting. He was grabbing his wrist and looked like he was in pain. Tao was holding on to Xiumin while helping D.O and Sehun stand up. Kris was smiling. "Looks like Chen did it just in time." The Hooded Man looked up and he hissed. "You, you betrayed me!" Kris pushed me gently away and limped over to him slowly. "I was never helping you to begin with. You hurt Luhan, Lay and the rest of my members. Now, this is what you get." Kris grabbed the Hooded Man and he took out a needle. I watched as he injected it on the Hooded Man while he was screaming. Baekhyun shouted to me, "Chanyeol, get Kai and Suho out of there, they're about to explode!" I went blank as I grabbed Suho and Baekhyun grabbed Kai and we made a run towards the door. A big boom was heard behind me and I shut my eyes as a crashed towards the floor.

I was shook awake by Tao who looked at me worried. "Are you okay?" He asked. I looked up and found out that we were inside the car with Chen driving. Everyone was there, including Kris. "How is everyone?" I asked as I sat up. "Luhan and Lay have turned back into humans but still pale looking. Kris is okay but unconscious, Suho is down as well along side with Xiumin. D.O, and Sehun are resting right now." I sighed... Half of our members are down and everyone was scratched up real bad. We ended up in the hospital and all of us went to get patched up. The doctors were wondering what happened to us but we said we were dragged into a fight. I sat on a chair to wait for Kris' condition along side with Tao, Chen and Baekhyun. We were the only ones that were healthy and active among the group while everyone else are resting. The doctor came out and told us that Kris was going to be okay but needed some rest due to loss of blood. We decided to just go home so everyone can rest at the hospital and come back tomorrow.

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