Entry #9: Lay

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I watched in horror as Kris and Suho were yelling at each other fiercely. Chen stood next to me with a worried look. "There's no way we can stop this argument... What do we do?" I was wondering the same thing. Suddenly, Luhan went towards them and shoved Suho. "Suho, STOP! This is between me and Kris, not you. So just back off!" Suho couldn't control his rage... "What's wrong?? You are apart of the kidnap idea too? Well, I don't see why not since you two are always that close! Now, bring Kai and Sehun back!" Luhan looked offended. "Why yo-.." Kris seemed to be surprised of the sudden statement too. "You littl- Don't drag Luhan into this!" He slammed Suho to the ground and they started to fight hard. Luhan looked shocked and afraid and tried to pull them apart. I ran over to them and grabbed Suho from the neck collar and pulled him away. Just when an elbow from Suho came flying onto my face. Tao went over and held on to Kris while I held on to Suho with a bloody nose.

Tao tried to stop Kris from hitting Suho but Kris pulled Tao away. "Tao, this is my fight, stay away from this!" Tao looked liked he was about to cry. "Don't fight, Kris. I don't want you to fight Suho..." Kris looked at Tao and said, "Tao... I don't want you in this..." Tao grabbed Kris and dragged him away from me and Suho. "Kris, you need to calm down." Kris grabbed Tao's hand and glared at Suho and me. "You better watch out, Suho. They'll come back to haunt you in your dreams!" He started to leave and Tao tried to protest. Luhan went over to Kris. "Where do you think you're going with Tao? You better have a good explanation on what you did!" Kris smacked Luhan in the face and yelled, "Oh, you want an explanation, huh? You better come with us and I'll tell you all about it!" He glared at Suho again. Suho pushed me aside and yelled, "Traitor! Don't you all come back! We don't need you all!" Luhan looked at me with worried eyes and mouthed I'm sorry, and he left with Kris and Tao. I looked at them confused. Something seemed wrong. It's like they know something but aren't telling us. Xiumin and Chen looked like they knew something was wrong too but they took out their tissues and started to wipe the blood on me. We all went home not saying a word on the way.

That night, Chen came over to my room as well as Xiumin and sat next to me on the bed. "Why did things turn out like this?" Chen sighed. Xiumin looked down, "We tried to communicate with them, but they cut us off." I layed down on the bed and looked up the ceiling. "I should've known something was up between Kris and Luhan. Luhan must've sensed something Kris was hiding and was shocked of the truth. He didn't want to tell us and kept it to himself. Then, he must've couldn't take it and started a fight arguing about why it happened and that's when we came by and this mess started." Chen understood immediately, "Whatever it is, Kris doesn't want us to know and dragged away Tao and Luhan since Tao he had to keep watch and Luhan knows his secret." "Some leader he is..." Xiumin grumbled. After saying goodnight to each other,  I went to get some water when my phone rang. It was a text message from Luhan 'Meet me at the park tomorrow morning under the tree. Don't let anyone else know about this- Luhan' I decided not to reply to him and turned off my phone... I went back to my room and got ready for bed. Tomorrow, I'll find out what's going on within our group...

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