Entry #2: Baekhyun (Part 1)

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The lunch bell finally rung. I quickly ran outside to my favorite spot outside of the school. I sat down and started to eat my lunch. I ate quickly so I can eat everything I had. Chanyeol walked over while I was munching on some rice balls. "Why do always eat so fast always?" Chanyeol asked as he sat down next to me. "It's me, I just love to eat", I replied while glubbed down some water. Chanyeol chuckled. "You're just like a pig". "Am not!" I said. I felt a sudden erge of anger. Chanyeol must have sensed my anger and said "Ok, I was just kidding. Don't get mad over something like this." I sighed. This always happened to us. We are all half wolves, we have powers. We are different from humans. Our master had warned us of our power. 'You may be powerful, but you are also dangerous. One little mistake can destroy the world. You must control your power at all costs'. The thought of destroying the world used to haunt my dreams. We have to stick together and try to control our anger at all costs. Kris and Suho have to be careful in particular since they are our leaders. They can have a lot of pressure taking care of us. "I wish we can all be like Chen, he's always carefree and almost never gets into fights" Luhan said suddenly as he walked over to me and Chanyeol. He creeps me out, we can communicate by telepathy between the k and m members only, but Luhan can read everyone's minds which creeped me out a lot. He knows what everyone is thinking so we can never tell a lie in front of him. "Me too, but I guess even someone like Chen can get angry sometimes. That's when emotions go out of control", Chanyeol sighed. "At least he's always positive", I added. "You are too", Luhan said to me. Me and Chen are similar is a few ways. We can be carefree but we try to help when we have a chance and we love to joke around. I smiled at them.

After lunch, we get a twenty minute break. Luhan and Xiumin were gathering up the group to play some soccer. I went over to the bleachers and took out my makeup set. I took out my eyeliner and looked at the mirror while applying to some dark purple eyeliner. Chen walked over just as I finished and said "Hey there, Mr. Eyeliner, can I sit down next to you?" I smiled at him. "Of course, Mr. Troll". He sat down and took out his notebook and opened it. He loved to compose songs and we always did this together. "What song did you come up with?" I asked. "I didn't come up with anything yet, just rehearsing Miracles in December for our performance in the Winter." "Isn't it a little early?" I asked. "Nah, the earlier we memorize it, the better." He said while humming to the song. He had a good voice, I wished that I can be like him. We started to sing to the song together until the bell rung and Kris shouted that we should get back to class. I was glad we were together, I hope we can always be one forever and ever...

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