Chapter 1. Slasher's Dream

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When an alarm clock showed 10 am, Sam woke up. He stretched after the long night and yawned, leaving last traces of drowsiness behind. He took a peek through the window and really enjoyed the weather outside: Sun was already high, a light breeze was waving the grass.

Sam: Wooow... That's a wonderful day to start.

He got up from his bed, made it and went to the living room, which was connected with the kitchen, so that it was a big space. Sam moved directly to the bathroom, left it after 5 minutes and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took some eggs and milk.

Sam: An omelette would be nice

In about 20 minutes he had breakfast, washed the plates and now was ready to spend his holiday. Unfortunately, Sam had no idea of how to start. He started his pc and scrolled some news, only to find there was nothing really interesting. Then launched Steam and tried to spend some time playing any of his favourite games. It didn't work as well. It wasn't the point, as holidays should bring relaxation and joy instead of boredom. 2 hours passed in quite a procrastination, when Sam decided to turn off his pc. He looked at the window again, now examining each spot of his backyard, trying to find anything to do: A table and a bench under the tree. A grill nearby and a training dummy, which looked like went through a war or something close to it.

Sam: Hmm... BBQ looks like a good idea. Have to check if there any meat left.

He looked at the freezer and found some great meat slices, now the BBQ problem was half-solved. A few minutes after Sam remembered one thing more: A long amount of time passed since he last visited one place, he really liked. Sam quickly got dressed and left the apartment. Outside he rated, how awesome the weather was. The guy was wearing a pair of jeans, a Hawaii shirt, and red trainers, which he bought a year ago and which were his favorite. He looked around, while walking, and noticed a group of young people. They were definitely going to the beach. Sam's destination, however, was another place. He headed to the store called "Smasher's Dream"

It's a weapon store, of course (its name speaks for it). Sam enjoyed visiting it from time to time and looking if any new katanas were on.
After a 15-minutes-walk he got there. "Smasher's Dream" is an amazing place for people, who enjoy cold weapons. It has plenty of space with numerous hangers with blades, knives, even spears on them.

Sam opened the glass sliding door and went inside. The air was cooler there, because of air conditioners. The guy headed to his favorite katanas section. After a few minutes looking around in search of anything new, he sighed with disappointment.

Sam: Three months... and they haven't even found anything special. What does Walter think about?

He turned his head to the cash counter where a consultant was serving some guy, who was a newbie at sword art and wanted to start with something. The consultant was Walter Hawkins, a 19 year-old guy with fair hair, who wore glasses and special orange uniform, which includes same-coloured cap and shirt with trousers. After he finally finished with client, Sam came closer, he put his hand on the desk and said:

Sam: Hi, Walt.

Walter was looking through a book "How to find a girlfriend? Tips for dummies." He looked up at Sam and his eyes sparkled, while his cheeks turned red and he quickly hid the book under the desk.

Walter: Sam! Hello! I've been wondering why you didn't visit us for a... (He looked at his notes, what a "practical" guy!) Uhm.. here! Three months!!! Anything happened, bro?!

Sam: No, everything's ok. Had to work hard, now I took a break and wanna spend it the best way. By the way, is there anything special? I've already looked through the katanas section...

Walter: Anything special? Well, I found and kept some blades specially for you, pal! I've got some great blades from great masters, but they are nothing compared to one and the only I found a week ago.

Sam: You look serious. What is that?

Walter: As I've already told you, I found a real great katana, guess you'll like it but... well, this one has quite a bad story. I hope you don't think that I believe in all that rumours... but still.

Sam: What's wrong with it? (Sam felt a bit intrigued: what story could that blade have?)

Walter: There are some people who told. (Walter felt nervous for sure.) They say it belongs to... Satan!

Sam raised his eyebrow in disbelief, then smiled and asked:

Sam: Oh really? Are you serious? Well, I'm not into this story, man. You know I'm an...

Walter: Atheist, I know. So, no problems with it. Ok?

Sam: Yea, just show me the blade already.

Walter brought Sam to the storage room. The whole place was completely filled with boxes covered with clothes. Lots of furniture and different scrap made the whole storage look abandoned. The weapon store was not the only one, which used that storage, some other companies kept their supplies there, that's why the place looked so messy. It was dark inside, which made the atmosphere even more mysterious. They reached the farthest part of
storage. A few steps and Walter showed Sam something, which was covered with white cloth. Walter accurately took off the cloth and swallowed nervously.

Walter: Here it is.

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