Chapter 14. Meanwhile in Hell

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The I.M.P trio had a tough time on their mission. It was long for sure (as we know it took them several days to finish it). After Blitzo finally killed the target, the three made their way back home, back to Hell.

Millie and Moxxie were given two days off after the shit they had to endure during the last two days. Blitzo drove home and came into his apartment. Loona wasn't there, he tried to call her several times, without being answered. He remembered, that she went on her own mission and that worried him.

Blitzo: What if anything happened? My Loonie can be in danger right now...

He tried to call several times more, but got same result. Blitzo was too tired to try again, so he took some booze from the fridge and after a few sips the imp fell asleep.

* * *

When M&M came back home, Moxxie threw the duffle bag with the guns to the pantry and got undressed.

Moxxie: Hey, Mill, have you noticed Loona was absent from her desk?

Millie: *Yawns* Yeah, I remember Blitzo got a call from someone, while we were in that shootout. I figured out it was a client. Blitzo then called Loona and asked her, if she could handle the task. So it's simple, she must be on the mission.

Moxxie: I can't believe it! Loona agreed to take a mission? No, no, no... She must be wasting her time somewhere at the bar or another party...

Millie: Don't be so disapprobative, Mox.

Moxxie: But we both know she is handful alright. I still don't believe it

Millie: It's your choice, dear. You can always ask her, where she was, when she comes back

Moxxie: Do I look like a person who wants to get his face punched, huh? I don't want to have any business with her, only for job purposes. I wonder why Blitzo still allows her to work at IMP

Millie: Calm down, hon. We had several tough days in a row, let's just enjoy the well-deserved reward.

Moxxie: You're right. Let me reward you properly!

Moxxie jumped into bed and the two imps had a great night full of passion.

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