Chapter 16. Different worlds, same thoughts

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A dim red colored light beam lit the place. It was something like a room, it was almost empty, except a table in the center of the room. A dark figure was sitting on the table. No chairs, no bed, no food or drinks. Only silhouette. It sat curled up in a ball and... looked like it was sleeping, it was too silent in there...

* * *

Loona pushed the door and it opened with a silent creak, by some reason she felt like a thief, who tries to be as careful as possible. She entered Sam's room. Her eyes widened: so much stuff around!

On her left it was a double bed with several books lying on it. She took one, it was called "1984" by George Orwell. She didn't mind, her only past time activity was her phone so she had never tried to read anything. She put it back. There were 2 wardrobes opposite the bed, one was filled with some clothes while another mostly consisted of shelves with lots of figures on them. Lots of characters were there: Some from One Piece, JoJo Bizarre Adventure, A Doomguy, Some characters from films and plenty of other ones. Loona smirkled: she didn't get the idea as she had never seen any of these characters before.

Next to the wardrobe it was a door. And finally, opposite the entrance door it was a desk with a 2 monitors on it, a colorful PC stood under the desk, some additional devices such as Mouse, Keyboard, Micro and Headphones - all of them were here. To tell the truth Sam had a great PC set with all the newest parts (He built it only 2-3 months ago). The computer was running, Loona suddenly got an idea, or better to say, a hope.

She opened the browser and started typing: "Voxtagra...". Nothing. Only one social network, which sounds close to Hell's Voxtagram was found: it was Instagram. Loona felt confused: "They have the social media which is almost completely copies ours? Huh, how stupid, those fuckers didn't even create any new designs or smth...". She tried to search her friends and I.M.P members' accounts but it was no use of course. Her 'wonderful' plan ruined, she felt annoyed and smashed the desk with her fist making the mouse to have a little fly. She took one of the pillows from the bed and punched it with great power, pillow had to admit, Loona was terrifying, when she's in rage. When she finally released steam a little, she saw a pair of guitars near the desk, she had never tried to play any, but enjoyed listening to rock, so maybe she'll ask Sam to teach her a little. She smiled, imagining their 'lesson'. And of course several katanas hung on the wall, they looked fantastic and absolutely dangerous. Loona sighed in delight, when saw them.

Even Loona and mess in her own room had to admit that Sam's room was in mess as well: lots of sketches here and there (Sam had a habit to put sketches on the wall and when they fell, he never picked them up). Some clothes on the chair near the desk, some on the windowsill, boxes filled with cables, disks and other stuff. A big poster of Gorillaz 'Plastic Beach' album hung above the bed. Although Sam's "shelter" was Hell in the world of esthetics, it had its own atmosphere, a real cozy one. Loona felt comfortable here and wished her room had the same vibe inside.

Well, almost all the place was examined, except the door near the wardrobe. Loona's curiosity, but mostly boredom made her open the door and enter another room, which seemed to be a pantry. It was dark inside, but she could see in the darkness easily, she had to use her own vision as she wasn't able to find a switch. Sam hadn't one btw. She looked around: nothing special. Some furniture covered with white cloth, plenty of boxes, some planks, metal pipes and beams. She was about to leave when, something spotted her attention.

* * *

The table was creaking peacefully, as the creature on it started moving, he woke up. It was Enel, who was sleeping since that time, when Sam told him to wait and put the blade in the pantry. Enel yawned as he had no other entertainment, but trying to act routine (Maybe he could take into consideration, that table is not a place for sleeping). He would sleep for a long time more if something didn't wake him up, but what?

Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now