Chapter 5. Enel, prisoner of the blade

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No doubt that it was hard for Sam to sleep that night. He was thinking about the blade, and its prisoner again and again. At first, the guy was really concerned and scared about the curse, which he probably got from that katana. Then he remembered words of the trapped demon. He called Sam Master, it could mean, that he was able to control the demon.

-Will he really help me and do what I ask him for?

Then Sam tried to prepare a few questions for his "slave" to understand how he could use that helluva blade in a proper way. He didn't even think about giving that treasure back to the store. He thought: "What if someone will be hurt after using it? What if the katana gets in wrong hands? No, I can't let it happen." So he just decided to try to use it or at least keep it safe from other people.

In the morning Sam woke up, he was drowsy and took a cold shower to cheer up a little. Then he had breakfast with great appetite. Actually, there was no fear or panic. He was interested in getting any new information about sword art and he wanted to learn anything about demon's world, if one existed.
Sam took a deep breath and slowly walked to the hanger in his room. He took of the cloth and asked:

Sam: Hey, demon! Are you here?

Silence was the reply. Sam even asked himself, if everything happened was just a dream.

Demon: Master, you called me. So, what's the deal?

Sam felt both happy and upset, he was not sure still. Was that prisoner dangerous or he would help him? Sam wondered, what the answer was. He swallowed and started his questions:

Sam: Demon, if I'm your master, than you will do everything I tell you?"

Demon: Yes, Master

Sam: Fine. What's your name?

Demon: I don't remember my real name, but I used to get one from my Masters.

Sam: Well, your name is Enel now

Enel: Yes, Master

Sam: Ok, now answer my questions fully. If you are a demon, then you should be able to use any... magic? Or spells?..

Enel: This weapon contains huge amount of magic in it. It can be used for conjuring various spells, starting with simple ones and ending with complex magical rituals, which are impossible to conjure without learning. Actually, the potential power of this weapon can be compared to Hell Overlords. In that point even a human can theoretically stand against them. But don't forget, you are just a mortal, so I'm sure, you aren't available to use most of the spells or maybe even none of them.

Those words surprised Sam for real. A human and some mysterious "Overlords" can be strong equally?

Sam: That's really interesting. Tell me, how can I control you? I mean, have I to just use spells or anything else?..

Enel: Yes, just use them, you'll get it soon I guess

Sam: Let me try to use something...

Enel: Well, It would be great but... I don't know how long it was since I was used last... I have lack of magic left and I'm not sure there's enough magic even to create a portal to Hell... And only there I can restore my capacity.

Sam: A portal... to... Hell? Wait, what? Have you just said...

Enel: Yes, Master

Sam's jaw dropped.

Does that mean I can use your magic to travel there?

Enel: Listen to me, Master. You probably can't use any magic at all, so it would be reckless to visit Hell... Besides, as I've told you already, my magic capacity is almost empty.
Next, if you do anything, which could be noticed by Overlords from Hell or Heaven, you'll get into big trouble.

Sam: Overlords? That word again... Enel, tell me about Hell and how did you get trapped inside this blade? Who made it?!

Enel: Well, several hundreds of years ago Hell was changed. It happened when Lucifer met his wife, Lilith. He fell in love and understood, that even sinners could still have any feelings left inside. So he decided to recreate Hell in its current form. While doing that, he had lots of problems and arguments with other Lords. A war broken out and lots of powerful demons and Lords of old era were killed and erased from the history. Then Lucifer created 7 artifacts, connected with 7 rings of Hell. This weapon is one of them. I was the Overlord of the Wrath ring, this weapon was mine and I used it to protect my territory, when one strong demon killed me. I don't know how it happened. I promised myself to take my revenge one day. If only I knew who was that traitor!"

It seemed like he regretted about what happened. Sam even felt sorry for him.

Sam: You know, if we find that asshole, let's kill him!

Enel: It would be great, but nobody of my previous owners had even a chance to find him, not only talking about fighting against that monster!

Sam clearly understood, it was almost impossible to find and defeat such a strong demon. He wasn't ready for that. He had just found out about Hell and demons at all, so it was stupid to act without any preparation.
He had to improve his skills and learn the spells. But at first, he had to at least visit Hell in order to restore the magic capacity.
One additional detail was still unknown.

Sam: Tell, me, why that blade is coloured with white and red patterns?"

Enel: The white color stands for blessed power. It can kill demons completely, so that they won't resurrect ever. The red color stands for cursed power, it can kill creatures from Heaven as well as blessed side kills demons from Hell.

Sam: Ok, now I understand it. Do angels and demons resurrect after being killed, don't they?

Enel: Yes, being killed in their own world, they will return on the next day, unless you kill them with special weapon, like this one

Sam tried to match all the information in his head, thinking: Angels? Demons? Did I get into fantasy world? A movie? A dream?! What's going on?! After a few minutes he finally came up with all the news and told Enel:

Sam: Listen to me, I'll set the rules, which you must follow:

    First: For everyone except me this weapon is just a sword, No losing their minds or something else!
    Second: You won't try to take control over me, like those demon from films do. (If Enel had eyebrows, he would raise them)
   And third: I'll try to use that weapon properly, so let's work together, go to Hell and then find that asshole

Enel: Yes, Master

Sam: And stop calling me like that. My name's Sam.

Enel: As you say, Sam

Sam: Ok then

Sam felt a bit worried while telling demon the rules. Tell me who wouldn't, when you talk with the Hell Overlord himself?

Sam promised himself not to abuse the demon's magic until he really needed it. Going to Hell was a question of time and experience.  However, he wanted not to have any business with that blade until he needed to use it one day.

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