Chapter 25. Leave everything behind

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Sam dodged shadows, which were about to catch him, and rushed to Alastor, who looked quite excited about something interesting happening. Sam tried to attack, one by one, slashes were blocked by Alastor's magic. The demon laughed from time to time, making his enemy to attack more furiously. Several shadow "missiles" were fast enough to damage Sam's body: his hands, legs, even several scars on his chest, blood was flowing rapidly. Sam felt exhausted, it was hard to parry Alastor's attacks now. The fight seemed to go to its end.

Sam: Uh... Uh... Fuck... I'm sure that you mustn't have this katana!

Alastor: I think the opposite way... Look at you, you're exhausted and barely stand on your feet...

Sam's body was covered with more scratches and scars from unlucky attacks. He was bleeding, the situation was going worse and worse... He was panting heavily, still trying to keep consciousness.

Sam: I won't let you...

Alastor: Still on your feet? It's not the point... One way or another you're dead...

Sam: I'm not scared of death, I went through things worse than death...

Alastor: How brave! But what if I talk about the death of someone else?

Sam: What do you mean...

Sam's eyes filled with anger. Alastor must have been talking about Loona, did he know who she was?

Alastor: That another being with you... It was a demon for sure... Don't worry, I'll find who was that and make you suffer, watching their death even in Hell...

Sam put himself together and looked directly at Alastor's eyes.

Sam: Huh... I'm a VIP of some kind, ain't I? Let's see how you'll manage to find anything about him... (He tried to puzzle the radio demon)
You talk too much...

Alastor: Grrr... Talks and smile are normal for clever people... You never fully dressed without your smile.

However Alastor wasn't smiling this time, it looked like Sam had insulted him, that's why the monster, who kept laughing even in front of suffering people, now looked quite annoyed.

Sam: You're not even brave enough I guess, if you try to hide under tons of humor and jokes

Alastor: A mortal worm is trying to say something... I don't care, you can tell anything before death.

Alastor conjured some spells while making that radio noise again, now even louder. Sam's head went around...

He was about to fall when shadows wrapped around his body, squeezing him greatly, Sam coughed and filled blood flowing out of his body faster... He was barely in mind. Blade was already lying on the ground, Enel inside lost almost his whole hope to help his master.

Enel (inside): Fuck! I can't let him die like that! Being killed by that monster...

Enel couldn't remember this one demon, before he was trapped inside, no one similar to that one had appeared ever.
The prisoner saw the whole process: Sam was hanged upside down in the air with his body damaged greatly. He was almost dead, puddle of blood under him was the proof.

Alastor: Well, I hoped you would fight better, at least you tried... Anyway! I'll kill you with my new weapon! Don't die before it! I hope you enjoyed the show, stay tuned bla bla bla... HAHAHAHA LET'S TRY IT!

Alastor laughed in amusement and took the katana from the floor. Enel hid his presence inside and Alastor couldn't feel him at least for now.

Alastor: I'll kill you with that one, and lucifer's sword will serve me greatly for sure!

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