Chapter 18. Sam's past pt. 1

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Sam took Loona's hand and brought her to his room. He turned on his pc and started searching for something. After a few minutes he opened a folder, filled with files, clicked on one of them. Loona looked at the screen: it displayed a group of people, obviously it was a family. Man with brown beard who was wearing checkered red short and sunglasses on his head, a woman with long fair hair, wearing a blue dress and a girl about 9 years old, who was smiling widely. The three seemed to be very excited and happy, Loona's sight moved to the background, she saw the fourth member of the family: he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt with big "G" print on it. He looked annoyed and even a bit angry, his appearance looked really familiar. Loona sighed.

Loona: Sam... Is that... your family?

Sam: Yes, they are. My dad - Bill, my mum - Ann and my younger sister - Sophie, huh, she always smiled so brightly...

Sam sighed. He clicked several times, showing more pictures of the people mentioned above. They were in different places, in different poses, only one thing was the same every time: the disappointed boy. In one of the pictures the three of them were holding a big poster with a title on it: "Sam's 16! Happy Birthday!"

Sam: It was my 16th birthday, we had a trip, my parents arranged it for me, they planned different places to visit and we were traveling the whole day: aqua park in the morning, zoo in the afternoon and pizzeria in the evening.

Loona: Wow! Such a great party, I'm a bit jealous of you.

Loona smiled, still feeling confused, why Sam wasn't happy about such a great birthday...

Sam: Yes, it was great... but as you can see... I wasn't enjoying it at all...

Loona: But why? Anything happened?

Sam: Yes! (Sam cried it a bit loud. Loona tilted her head in confusion) Happened! It was me, who happened!

Loona: What?

Sam: I was such a rude and edgy teenager at my 16, so stupid asshole...

Loona's jaw dropped, she knew Sam as kind and caring person, she was shocked by what he said to her.

Loona: You was what? But... but how?

Sam: Yes, I'm really ashamed for that... they arranged that party for me and tried to cheer me up with different things, everything was absolutely awesome, but I didn't appreciate it...

Sam looked through the window. It was already dark and only monitor was glowing brightly. He swallowed and continued.

Sam: I don't know what was wrong with me then. I just wanted to stay at home and play my pc or listen to music all the time. Everyone around annoyed me and I was quite aggressive to people that time...

Loona was listening and noticing lots of similar details with her own behavior, she was the same: edgy, rude to people and closed inside.

Loona: So, you didn't like your party, but...

Sam: Let me tell you what happened after the trip...


A red car parked in front of the big house. A white fence around it, several tall trees and a mailbox — all the decorations of the front yard. Car engine roared for the last time and stopped. Bill left the car and moved to the back of the car, opened a boot and took some pizza boxes out of it. His wife had already left the car and was moving to the house with Sophie, who was running faster, than her mother.

Sophie: Mr Unicorn XV, use your magic to open the door!

Sophie tried to use her 'spell' but the house's front door stayed still.

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