Chapter 21. Tomorrow

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Both of them finally fell asleep closer to morning. At about 7 a.m. Sam opened his eyes, looked around still feeling sleepy and rubbed them, trying to completely wake up, but with no success. No doubt he had a sleepless night thinking about his 'confession', his past and actions he took years ago. Then Sam's thoughts changed their direction again, this time he thought about Loona. Something about this girl was different, she reminded him of Jessica, who understood him and didn't blame for his mistakes. He appreciated it.

It must be said that Loona had alike thoughts during that night: Her teenage, orphanage for Hellhounds, where she spent most of her life, her adoption by Blitzo, work at IMP and, of course, her failed mission, which was the reason why the girl wasn't able to go home now. Then thoughts about Hell, she really worried about coming back home, she had no ided how to do that.

What would the others at IMP do when she didn't come back? She couldn't answer, but had to admit she didn't have other way but stay with Sam. She would hate the idea before, but now saw him as a good man. She trusted the guy and felt really sorry for such horrible turn of events which destroyed his life.

Sam finally made it and got out of the bed. It was stuffy in the room. He opened the window and enjoyed the cool air from the outside. It was absolutely usual early morning, when Sun isn't shining yet and it's a bit cold.

Sam: Ahh... what a pleasure...

*Yawns with a relish*

Sam: Oh, it's only 7 now, why did I wake up so early?

He didn't want to go to bed though. But in the nearby room Loona was still sleeping, so Sam needed to do something for a while. He got dressed and looked for something to do. Actually, his room had lots of stuff to do, starting with mess. It was the point by the way, as he would never do that at any other time. Sam wished himself good luck and started cleaning his dump. After half an hour he (to his surprise) had a success. All the litter was packed in the trash pack, when Loona wakes up, he will throw it out. Sam then took a look at his electro guitars and asked himself a question, what did Loona enjoy listening to. Maybe he will offer her to play something together... After that Sam turned on his pc and scrolled the news, events, memes and videos. One of them took his attention, Sam saved the page just in case. He skipped about 2 hours in such a way of routine, it was 9:02 when he decided to leave his room, thinking his guest was already awake.

"His guest" woke up indeed. She sighed as deep inside thought it was all a dream and she would wake up in her room in Hell. She felt depressed but mostly likeable about it.

Loona: Sam must be sleeping still. Well, what about the leg?

She tried to move it and noticed the pain was weaker, the scar itself was better as well. Her hellhound form really helped to heal it. Loona looked through the window at Sam's backyard: Sun had already come up and was shining. She smiled, in Hell she had never had a chance to look at it, and sunshine was worth seeing. She smiled and then Sam's door opened, owner of the room himself left it and surprisingly noticed Loona was awake. He waved his hand and wished her good morning:

Sam: Morning, how the night was?

Loona: Morning, Sam, it's ok, slept like dead...

Sam: Huh, nice to hear that. Well, let me cook something for breakfast.

Loona: Ok, take your time... Uhm... can I have a shower while you're cooking?

Sam: Yes, of course, please, gimme a second... I'll do it myself (Several minutes passed, Sam left the the place) -Here.

He gave Loona a towel and she went to the bathroom. Sam moved to the kitchen and looked inside the fridge, now it had enough food to cook something tasty. His choice were waffles, so he opened waffle iron, mixed the dough and put it inside. Loona had already left the bathroom, feeling relaxed after the warm water.

Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now