Chapter 19. Sam's past pt. 2

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Sam kept silent. Loona was waiting for his words patiently. She was in thoughts as well. What was so special about that man, that Loona's point of view was moved from its place? Her selfish wishes and ideas were damaged by his story. Of course she didn't know his whole life and what happened before his birthday party but... she was really sorry about his loss. Sinners and hellborn in Hell are mostly tough, greedy and selfish or try to seem to be like that in order not to be "eaten". The girl thought she was the one whose life was ruined and everyone except her were corrupted and cruel to her... This one man changed her mind.

Sam tried to complete the story in his head to tell it in normal order, but events happened 10 years ago were so strange and unexpected that he couldn't make it. He signed and turned his head up.

Sam: It was one of those meetings for people, who tried to recover after the incident. Every time a woman, who was a psychologist, started talking about common topics: feelings, art, future... Then she tried to dig inside people's heads and she really made that! After several visits I noticed most of the people were like hypnotized, they were listening to her and agreed with her ideas. I didn't though. Frankly speaking, I didn't care about those gatherings, never. But I had to visit lots of them...

Loona: Because you wanted to cure your depression?

Sam: Not exactly... (Loona thought: then why? What happened?)

Sam: As I've already mentioned, I met someone there...

Loona: Who?

Sam: A girl...

Loona gasped. She was surprised, as she thought about a friend or something like that, but a girl? Did they date? Had Sam feelings to that girl of his story?

Loona: What happened? How did you...

Sam: *Narrating* It was the third week of our therapy. I came a bit later and didn't even listen to that woman's (Mrs Linen) nonsense... She was talking about religion

Loona: Naaahh... could she choose anything more boring?

Sam: *Narrating* Yea, I thought the same. She was pouring words like being programmed, I started looking around (as usual) and learning people. No new members, same dull, sad and tired faces... My sight stopped, I saw a new person, who hadn't visited the place before. She was a girl in her 17, with long brown hair and dark green eyes. I can't tell she was a beautiful girl or something, but she looked pretty still. She was wearing a striped sweater and jeans. You know, she was the kind of person who wouldn't attract anyone's attention, everyone around looked like didn't notice her at all. I quickly caught the reason: they were all hypnotized as usual, but she wasn't, as well as me. She was looking around faces and after few minutes noticed me as I noticed her. Our sights coincided and we felt awkward, turning our eyes away. (Sam blushed a little, Loona noticed that and tilted her head in confusion). We then understood that no one is looking at us, so we started examining each other in interest, but the "lecturer" had another plans. She adjusted her glasses and said, using as much annoying tone as possible:

Mrs Linen: Ms Stone, what do you think about my last words?

Sam: *Narrating* Surprisingly, "Ms Stone" turned her head to the woman and answered like absolutely clearly heard all her words. I blamed myself as I couldn't remember what our dear lecturer said even just sitting and listening to her, but this girl told her more than enough:

The girl: Well, you've been talking that religion is cure for every problem, but I disagree.

Woman looked disturbed, she waited for a basic answer like: "You're absolutely right, Mrs Linen".

Mrs Linen: Well, Ms Stone, than why do you think so?

The girl: I can tell it as I know a lot of people who don't care so much about religion, but they're good people.

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