Chapter 24. Send her back home

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All the night long Sam had the same nightmare: He was fighting against someone. Sam couldn't see enemy's appearance, but only one detail, which was easy to notice, was wide smile on his face. The enemy always kept smiling, it looked absolutely creepy. Some kind of noise could be heard in the background, like radio interference or something like that... In the end of nightmare the stranger was about to cut Sam's head off... Then the nightmare repeated...

* * *

Sam woke up early in the morning. He looked at the clock: 7 am. He was glad to stop those nightmares, but felt sluggish of course.


Sam: Oh fuck, what was that... I couldn't even sleep normally...

He suddenly snapped to reality when remembed what had happened that night: their talk with Loona.

Sam: Was it a dream too or she is a hellhound for real?

He quickly decided to find that out. Sam quietly opened the door and looked at the couch where Loona was sleeping. His jaw dropped when he saw the girl in her hellhound form.

Sam: It all was real... So she is really from Hell.

Sam quickly closed the door and tried to figure out everything what happened. He remembered Loona's eyes and his heart started beating faster. He realized, that he felt pleased.

Sam: Huh... So strange things can happen...

He replayed all the details of their talk, the starfall, that calm atmosphere of the night. He also remembered that he had to find a way to send Loona back home. Deep inside he wanted to postpone her comeback. He sat on the bed thinking. About 10 minutes passed when he finally realized, he had a way to help the girl.

Sam: Enel! I can create a portal to Hell with his help! I'll have to go there together with Loona to restore magic capacity inside the blade and then I'll come back.

He felt miserable on that 'come back' part. The guy went to his pantry and took off the cloth. Only several days passed since he left the blade here, but it felt like the weapon had been there for months or even years. Sam swallowed and took the blade.

Sam: Enel, wake up.

*A silhouette sitting on the table suddenly startled and fell from their "bed"*

Enel: Ouch! Master... I mean, Sam. You're finally here. Let me warn you, I saw a demon here, in your house...

Sam: Don't worry about that. Her name's Loona. She's a friend.

Enel: What? I mean, as you say...

Sam: You talk like you're sleepy... Can you sleep inside your... prison?

Enel: Uhm... it's not like that... I was just... sitting... Yeah! Sitting on my table.

Sam: Your what? Ahh, whatever, Enel, I need your help!

Enel: So, what is it?

Sam: We need to send Loona back home, simply speaking: we have to go to Hell

Enel: Oh, are you serious? Finally decided, huh... Have you forgotten that you might get killed there, Sam?

Sam: I'm not going to travel around Hell... I'll just help her to get home, also we'll be able to restore your magic capacity. I guess it's the right time

Enel: Well, it makes sense. So, when are we going to Hell?

Sam: I don't know, Loona is still sleeping.

Enel: Well, it would be some time to wait (Enel yawned)

Sam: Have you just?..

Enel: Nope

Arrival In Hell (Loona x Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now